This space is dedicated to those who enjoy working with The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit Oracle. if you follow us on Instagram, you will know this is one of our most used oracle decks and so we’ve given a lot of thought to how we incorporate it into our practice.

Below you will find general information for each card. We hope these will add a layer of meaning to your toolkit. Everything below is a combination of what the guidebook has offered, personal revelation, and additional study. We also have a blog post detailing methods for using the cards including suggested spreads.

This page is a work in progress…

Earth Element


Element: Earth
Tarot Card Association: 5 of Pentacles
Keywords/Concepts: New beginnings, growth, growing pains, moving from a difficult period, waking up
As a Talisman: To safely usher one through a period of growth


Element: Earth
Tarot Card Association: Page of Pentacles
Keywords/Concepts: A beginner’s mind, confidence in not knowing, hesitation, doubt, innate intelligence, trust in self, learning something new
As a Talisman: To find the courage to begin something new


Element: Earth
Tarot Card Association: 2 of Pentacles
Keywords/Concepts: Fear, nervousness, being on alert, fixed on the details, the need to prep and organize resourcefulness, being aware of one’s environment
As a Talisman: To enhance precision and vision


Element: Earth
Tarot Card Association: 9 of Swords
keywords: Fear, assuming the worst, pessimism, perceptivity, overwhelm
As a Talisman: To alleviate fears by becoming aware of possible risks


Element: Earth
Tarot Card Association: 7 of Swords
Keywords/Concepts: Hiding, shadows, artistry, masking, craftiness, creativity
As a Talisman: To tap into one’s sense of confidence in an effort to show up fully


Element: Earth
Tarot Card Association: The Magician
Keywords/Concepts: Adaptable, quick, learned, devoted, magical, a good teacher
As a Talisman: To bring about helpful resources when learning something new


Element: Earth
Tarot Card Association: Ace of Wands
Keywords/Concepts: Kundalini, creativity, awakening potential
As a Talisman: To assist in spiritual awakening

Collective Message for June 29, 2021: Snake (Ace of Wands)

The drive to create is a natural one, but like most things, it can come with its share of frustration and confusion. What I’ve come to see in working through some of this is that creativity doesn’t just require energy, it produces it in return. However, not every creative act elicits a positive energetic response. For those inspirations that are ripe, there is often ease and a feeling of reciprocity. The garden analogy works because we know when the crops are ready, they not only taste better, they provide the maximum amount of nutrients. Similarly, when our ideas have been properly cultivated and are ready for harvest, not only do they provide energy (upliftment, excitement, satisfaction), they conserve it because those works tend to unfold almost as if on their own. This is part of the magick of art and why certain actions can feel so divinely led (think - The Chariot).

Much along the lines of a creative wellspring, Snake is a symbol of dormant or untapped potential. Here it is depicted biting its own tail, which represents the cyclical, never-ending, and self-sustaining quality of life. This is renewable energy in the purest sense. Contemplating this and the imagery of the card brings to mind the idea of the personal container. Consider for a moment that everything you need, are capable of, or that has potential is already within you.

So whether it's the creative impulse we’re arousing, or the spirit within that’s awakening, energy seeks movement. Our desire for this expression is inherent, but even when we’re doing “nothing”, we’re doing something. To see value in every phase of being and doing, and be able to recognize what is ready and what needs more water, is an important but understated form of creative intelligence. In times of high production, we can forget about those underlying processes and become frustrated by "inactivity". Spirit says it is just as much the force we initiate as it is the mysterious, hidden forces guiding us that count. We should trust where both of these instincts lead, whether it's into inspired action or the need to rest, reflect and simply wait for what's to come.


Element: Earth
Tarot Card Association: The fool
Keywords/Concepts: Groundedness, connection to spirit, faithful, optimistic, trusting what life has to offer
As a Talisman: To help one to trust


Element: Earth
Tarot Card Association: Page of Cups
Keywords/Concepts: Peaceful, intuitive, innocent, receiving or giving sincere guidance, genuine communication, silence
As a Talisman: To invoke peace


Element: Earth
Tarot Card Association: The Emperor
Keywords/Concepts: Sturdy, father figure, masculinity, respect, confident, strong
As a Talisman: To invoke protective boundaries


Element: Earth
Tarot Card Association: The Empress
Keywords/Concepts: Kind, compassionate, mother figure, femininity, tender, protective
As a Talisman: To nurture and bring peace to a situation


Element: Earth
Tarot Card Association: The Hierophant
Keywords/Concepts: Family, tradition, ritual, teaching, tolerance, leader
As a Talisman: To invoke protection for a family/group or unit


Element: Earth
Tarot Card Association: 10 of Pentacles
Keywords/Concepts: Pursuing dharma, connecting with community, building prosperity, the practical pursuit of the great work, process-oriented tasks
As a Talisman: To put one in a prosperity mindset


Element: Earth
Tarot Card Association: 6 of Wands
Keywords/Concepts: Freedom, movement, momentum, success, mastery, recognition, achievement, strength, the desire to roam
As a Talisman: To manifest travel, freedom, and unencumbered movement

Fire Element

Fire Ant

Element: Fire
Tarot Card Association: 5 of Wands
Keywords/Concepts: Aggression, conflict, turmoil, heat, gossip, flare ups, sensitivity manifesting as anger
As a Talisman: To tap into inner bravery in order to cool conflict and transmute a difficult situation


Element: Fire
Tarot Card Association: Knight of Wands
Keywords/Concepts: Wit, sarcasm, humour as a defense mechanism or spell breaker, a fun or exciting personality type, jester energy
As a Talisman: To see through the seriousness of a situation to find its lighter side


Element: Fire
Tarot Card Association: 5 of Swords
Keywords/Concepts: Competition, stewing on past hurts, holding a grudge, passion
As a Talisman: To work through past experiences in an effort to heal


Element: Fire
Tarot Card Association: Knight of Cups
Keywords/Concepts: Sensitivity, artistry, creativity, intuitive, overstimulation, solitude, dreamy nature
As a Talisman: To tap into one’s inner artist


Element: Fire
Tarot Card Association: The Tower
Keywords/Concepts: Purging, shake-ups, chaos, the discomfort before growth can occur, clearing, ruthlessness in cutting to the core
As a Talisman: To see one through difficult shakeups and come out on the other side transformed


Element: Fire
Tarot Card Association: 2 of Swords
Keywords/Concepts: Crossroads, decisions, detours, following one’s light or dharma, wise decisions
As a Talisman: To help one make a critical decision


Element: Fire
Tarot Card Association: Temperance
Keywords/Concepts: Inner nourishment, resourcefulness, using water to cool heat, inner balance and harmony
As a Talisman: To bring a sense of peace and calm to a situation


Element: Fire
Tarot Card Association: 9 of Pentacles
Keywords/Concepts: Graceful, independent, hyper-vigilent, beauty, perceptive
As a Talisman: To help one appreciate their bounty without fear

Collective Message inspired by the Gazelle (May 17, 2021)

It's one thing to be protective of ourselves, our work, and the things we love, and it's another to live life assuming we're a target. When in a hypervigilant state, not only is everything under threat, but it's difficult to enjoy what we've cultivated because the risks are so great. There is some similarity to this energy and what we see happening around fear of change, though the difference is that when we're operating from hypervigilance, everyone is a potential enemy. If there is something important in your life that you're struggling to enjoy because the fear of it being taken away is too great, Gazelle is for you.

Gazelle can, when living from this space, overemphasize the fleeting nature of this world, which may trigger fear, scarcity, competition, etc. Of course, it's not to say there aren't reasons to be fearful. Most of us have had some informing experiences which have taught us to be on alert. Rather than dismiss or shame this tendency - honour the usefulness of it which is that a certain level of perceptivity has been acquired. This perceptiveness, if rightly administered, can be an enormous asset. But, if this gift is only delivering bad news, reinforcing painful feelings or assuming others are "out to get you", then it's time to check in with the sensor.

To be perceptive is to understand that personal perception may play a role. When an alert presents itself, be willing to investigate further. Just because our smoke detectors go off, doesn't mean there's fire (I know this because mine is a little too perceptive some days).

Unfortunately, there aren't any one-stop solutions as it requires understanding ourselves, our experiences, and our conditioning. But there may be some remedy, which is evident in the graceful way this energy carries itself. There are certain things that are much more difficult to take from someone, and those are the assets that have been cultivated within. That, and ongoing self-inquiry can help us to see when we're really under threat and when we can remain at ease. Gazelle works to strike this balance and encourages us to do the same.


Element: Fire
Tarot Card Association: The Sun
Keywords/Concepts: Solar energy, success, achievement, movement, momentum, energetic
As a Talisman: To invoke vital energy to achieve a goal


Element: Fire
Tarot Card Association: The Moon
Keywords/Concepts: Lunar energy, darkness, night, silence, the subconscious
As a Talisman: To enhance one’s dreams


Element: Fire
Tarot Card Association: The Hanged Man
Keywords/Concepts: Taking a pause, stillness, spiritual teacher, being a student of life and spirituality
As a Talisman: To put one in touch with a strong mentor (internally or externally)


Element: Fire
Tarot Card Association: 3 of Wands
Keywords/Concepts: Uniqueness, eccentricity, creativity, progressiveness, travel, expansive
As a Talisman: To inspire a creative solution


Element: Fire
Tarot Card Association: King of Wands
Keywords/Concepts: Powerful, master energy, a transformational leader, efficiencies, strength
As a Talisman: To tap into one’s inner strength

Collective Message inspired by The Lion (May 6th, 2021)

What about yourself do you know to be true? Don't think too long on this one, just let the question settle and see what rises up.

Lion is asking us to reconnect with our unique nature. The attributes, inherent strengths, impulses, and desires that sometimes are apparent and sometimes live beneath layers of outerwear.

What separates us from most of the animal world is our ability to look within. Of course, reflection has its place and serves a purpose in our evolution, but in all of this self-inquiry, we must not lose touch with our essential drives. The Lion is the King of the jungle, and they behave as if they know this. But it's not because they've thought enough about it. They know it because their very nature is compelled with this information and their experiences, tied with reason, demonstrate it to be true time and time again.

In this way, Spirit is saying that part of connecting the subtle-you to the physical-you is in first knowing (like the Lion knows) who you truly are. In this knowledge will come the ability to act from reasoned intuition, to strike at the perfect time, to pause when it's not safe to continue, to speak up at just the right moment, and to pursue in such a way that nearly guarantees success.

And we shouldn't be too hard on ourselves as we connect these dots. Pursuit of our true essence is some of the greatest/most difficult work we can do. It is simultaneously feared and admired, and the proof of this lies in the fact that while the lion does have its enemies, it only has one predator and that is man.

So this message isn't about BECOMING the lion. It's about becoming YOU, as the lion demonstrates how effortlessly they embody themselves. And rather than reflect endlessly on what you are vs what you're not, acknowledge that within you is something that already has this information. We don't need to define it, fight for it or prove its validity. Just know it's there, give it some space to lead, and see where your natural instincts guide you.


Element: Fire
Tarot Card Association: The Hermit
Keywords/Concepts: Wise, Ganesh, movement in the right direction, illumination
As a Talisman: To help make the way forward be known

Spirit Element


Element: Spirit
Tarot Card Association: Judgment
Chakra: Root
Keywords/Concepts: Liberation, hearing the call, rising up, transformation, emergence
As a Talisman: To burn up and liberate stagnant energy in an effort to transform

Collective Message Inspired by The Pheonix (June 9, 2021)

What a fitting energy for a New Moon Solar Eclipse. This is equal parts embracing endings and allowing our inner spark to regenerate us (light and dark - like the eclipse). The first step to this is in paying attention to the inner pokes. I often think of The Devil as an irritant, and even though we didn't pull The Devil today, its essence is lingering in the background of this message.

Think of those little pain-points, the uncomfortable things we've gotten comfortable with. If we didn't have the irritant reminding us that something is "wrong", maybe we'd miss an opportunity to make things better. This idea is one way to make peace with The Devil. While it may be painful, these irritants are gateways to transformation. When we wake up and decide we don't want to feel a particular prick anymore, we are in a sense choosing something else, even if we don't know what that something is. Journeys of this nature begin often without a map; just a vague "something is off here", and a willingness to explore alternatives, no matter where they lead.

The Pheonix is connected to the Root Chakra, so there is some tie to the physical here. With that in mind, Spirit is asking us to see our feelings similarly. While they may not take form in the way that, say, a chair does, they hold weight.

I equate The Pheonix with Judgement because it is an initiator and a call to meet the higher parts of ourself. Sometimes we are the ones who seek this process, and sometimes we are thrown into the fires through circumstance. For this New Moon Solar Eclipse, Spirit is asking us to reconsider anything in the way of us and that calling. Letting go of the past in many ways asks that we also let go of the future, or at least, our vision for it. The Pheonix doesn't necessarily know what it is becoming in the midst of its rise, so much like this energy, Spirit is saying to take a relaxed and curious approach, following the signs as they present themselves. They may not be cataclysmic, but even those glimmers, if you're so attuned, can serve as suitable guideposts for what is becoming.

Sea Serpent

Element: Spirit
Tarot Card Association: Queen of Wands
Chakra: Sacral
Keywords/Concepts: Creativity, expression, desires, healing, acceptance
As a Talisman: To cleanse one from self-judgment and shame


Element: Spirit
Tarot Card Association: The Chariot
Chakra: Solar Plexus
Keywords/Concepts: Witness conciousness, the higher self, spiritual pursuit of the great work, true self
As a Talisman: To connect with one’s higher self and the divine will

Golden Egg

Element: Spirit
Tarot Card Association: Ace of Cups
Chakra: Heart
Keywords/Concepts: Love, vulnerability, silence, receptivity, compassion
As a Talisman: To connect with one’s heart centre

Black Egg

Element: Spirit
Tarot Card Association: Justice
Chakra: Throat
Keywords/Concepts: Truth, integrity, precision, clarity, authenticity
As a Talisman: To speak personal truth with integrity

Collective Message inspired by The Black Egg (May 26, 2021)

Truth can be confusing because like the element of air and the planet of mercury, it can feel flimsy and flexible - adaptable at best and manipulative at worst. But there is an aspect of it that has roots. This is what Spirit is drawing our attention to with The Black Egg. Even its name and appearance imply an Earthiness - something we can dig into and dig up.

To ease some of the confusion, Spirit is saying we need to think of truth not as a concept, but as a thing of substance. And just as there are many substances in this world, there are also many truths. The difficulty comes when we try to determine what is ours, what is theirs, and how to know the difference.

As for how we discern what is truly ours, for some it may penetrate the heart and simply feel "right". For others, they may feel a sense of confidence. For myself, it's a matter of ease and precision - when I am in my truth I can articulate it clearly, live it accurately, and see the path that led me to it. Whatever the case for the individual, truth rings. But, truth isn't the thing we feel true about. Truth is the resonance that underlies that conclusion. The subject (like air) can drift from here and there. What is true today may not be true tomorrow, what is right for one may not be right for another. Being able to hear the bell accurately and understand where it is drawing our attention to is key.

So, Spirit is saying to pay attention to this sometimes gentle nudge. It is easy in this very loud world to get tripped up by the absolute certainty of others. People who stand so firmly and strongly in their own truth that how can it be anything but? And of course it is, however, it belongs with them. The volume of another's truth does not make it truer for the rest. We must accept that some people's personal vision will ever be in line with our own, and this is one way to being to liberate ourselves from the noise.

And remember, truth is not the subject - it is the bell ringing beneath the subject. For some it rings loudly over here, and for others, it rings loudly over there. And as long as we know what bell is ours and what bell is theirs, we can share a simultaneous rightness and feel sure in the truth we hold.


Element: Spirit
Tarot Card Association: The Star
Chakra: Third Eye
Keywords/Concepts: Diviinity, belief, intuition, magick, clear seeing
As a Talisman: To enhance the third eye or clear seeing

Cosmic Egg

Element: Spirit
Tarot Card Association: The World
Chakra: Crown
Keywords/Concepts: Animal Mundi, interconnectivity, self-actualization, harmony
As a Talisman: To connect oneself with the all


Element: Water
Tarot Card Association: 4 of Swords
Keywords/Concepts: Rest, waiting, divine timing
As a Talisman: To know when the right time to act is


Element: Water
Tarot Card Association: Strength
Keywords/Concepts: Confidence, personal growth, important decisions
As a Talisman: To move through discomfort in the spirit of self development


Element: Water
Tarot Card Association: 7 of Cups
Keywords/Concepts: Confusion, movement without direction, lost
As a Talisman: To gain clarity in terms of direction


Element: Water
Tarot Card Association: The Lovers
Keywords/Concepts: Beauty, outside appearances, superficiality
As a Talisman: To cultivate beauty and harmony in one’s surroundings