2021 By The Numbers - Navigating The 9 Year Cycle for the Year Ahead


This is an old post. 2023 Numerology is now available!

Did you know that 2021 is a Collective Year 5 (corresponding to the The Hierophant) and that each of us, based on our month+day of birth, enter into a new personal number each year? If you want to find out where you are for this coming year, simply add your birth month + birth day + 2021. Keep adding and reducing until you get a single digit!

For example, if you were born on Dec. 22, like myself, the formula would look like this:

1+2+2+2+2+0+2+1 = 12
1+2= 3

What does this mean though? Below I will provide a VERY brief overview of the themes for each year, but for a comprehensive outlook you’ll need to navigate to the numerology section of this site.

Personal Year numbers are something that have interested me since I first learned of this system in 2015, though I probably have a bit of a different take then you’ll find on other websites. I think in part because the vibratory aspects of numbers are fascinating, as is their practical application to tarot and other spiritual systems. They are also a reminder to embrace the cyclical nature of our lives - much like the phases of the moon or seasons of the year.

If you know your Personal Year Number, check out the quick reference chart below for its general themes. If you want to go in-depth and find out what this year may have in store for you, check out the Personal Year pages.

1 - Planting seeds and honouring fresh starts
2 - Building, evaluating and understanding relationships
3 - Creative exploration and expression
4 - Exercising authority and creating strong foundations
5 - Embracing change and transformation
6 - Being of service and creating harmony
7 - Spiritual development and self-inquiry
8 - Achieving goals and harnessing the energy available
9 - Closing chapters, reflection and tying up loose ends

Like all systems, there is no one definitive approach. Not all things apply to all people at all times, but there are still snippets of truth that can be integrated wherever we are in our journey. It is my hope that the vibration of your number will at least shine a bit of light as you embark on 2021, and that this guide will serve you in some way.

With Love,


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