2024 By The Numbers - Navigating The Personal Year Cycle


It’s going to be 2024 before we know it, so we wanted to get ahead of the game and release our Personal Year Number information a bit early this year!

For those who have been visiting us for awhile, you’ll know it’s tradition around here to offer these free, comprehensive guides each and every year. We do this because this system has become something of a special interest for us. Ever since I (Julia) started paying attention to it in 2015, I’ve really been able to see how the themes of each year manifest themselves, which helps me to prepare and respond accordingly. It’s kind of like working with the cycles of the moon or the seasons. Once you begin to acclimate to its rhythm, you can begin to see how your own life mimics that flow, and how you can get the most out of the current you’re in.

New to the Personal Year Cycle? Let me quickly break it down.


Personal Years are a system of numerology that move in a 9 year cycle. Based on a simple calculation, you can determine where you are within that cycle for any given year (we’ll share the formula shortly). In addition to our Personal Year, we also have a collective one, which is determined by adding up the digits for whatever year we’re in. In 2024, we’ll be in a Collective Year 8 (2+0+2+4=8). Bear in mind, much like our Sun Sign, this information can look very general on the surface. For this reason, it’s important to use discernment. There are many factors that make up our journey and this is just one piece of the puzzle. With anything, take what resonates and adapt or disregard anything that doesn’t feel right. And while there are some predictive elements to this system, we would encourage you to regard the information here more as guidance - “What is the energy available?” “How can I best work within it?” “How can I get the most out of it?” In the same way that moon phases help us see our lives within a greater cycle, so too can the the personal year wheel put us in touch with the flow of numbers.

Ok, let’s get to it! If you already know how to do this calculation then keep scrolling to find more information about your year for 2024.

Formula: Your Birth Date + Your Birth Month + The Current Year =

Example: My birthday is December 22, so my calculation would be as follows.

12+22+2024 = 2058
2+0+5+8 = 15
1+5 = 6

Some folks may include the master numbers in this system, but we do not. As such, you simply want to keep adding and reducing until you get a single digit.

When you have your number, find your info graphic below! Each one is clickable and will take you straight to your Personal Year Guide which contains SO MUCH MORE information. Or if you prefer, navigate straight to the Personal Years page or the Collective Year Guide for 2024.

One final quick note: The information in these guides comes from years of personal study, reflection and direct experience. Numbers are an important back of our practice and we pour our hearts into this project every year. If you choose to share or distribute any of it, please provide proper credit. We give 90% of what we do away for free, so it’s the one thing we ask in return. Thank you :)

Personal Year Guides for 2024 (click to learn more)

We hope you find these guides helpful and illuminating. If you have any questions or comments about the information contained in them, or just want to let us know what year you’re moving into, leave a comment below!

Want to know more about what 2024 has in store for you?

With love,
Julia & Tim


2024: Our Collective Year 8


The Symbols of Tarot