learning Julia Eve learning Julia Eve

The Symbols of Tarot

Tarot is, if nothing else, a book of symbols. Not only is it steeped in history and archetypes and myth, it also contains visual details that help tell a bigger story - something beyond what the initial imagery may suggest. They say a picture is worth a thousand words and when it comes to tarot, I think it’s actually more.

In this post, we’ll be providing you a run down of the common symbols you will find in tarot along with some basic key words. Please note, there is far more to each symbol than what we’ve captured below. You may see some of these details differently and that’s ok. This is simply where our work has taken us, but it is not the final or only world. As well, each symbol may carry a slightly different meaning in the context of the card you can find itself on, the way it interacts, its colour, its size etc.

We’ve also included some of the cards where you can find each symbol. That part is also not conclusive in all cases. As well, if there is a symbol you’re interested in that we haven’t included, reach out and let us know!

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The Frank Files Julia Eve The Frank Files Julia Eve

The Frank Files Entry 4: "Frank"

Elphias Levi once stated, regarding tarot - “As an erudite Kabalistic book, all combinations of which reveal the harmonies preexisting between signs, letters and numbers, the practical value of the tarot is truly and above all marvelous. A prisoner devoid of books, had he only a tarot of which he knew how to make use, could in a few years acquire a universal science, and converse with an unequalled doctrine and inexhaustible eloquence.”

We have come to regard tarot as one gateway to the beyond - not unlike other methods such as meditation, trance, ouija, runes, dreams, hallucinogenic drugs or even contemplation. Could it be though that tarot holds not just the means, but the map itself? Somewhere along our discovery in the months leading up to second contact, we began to explore something we refer to as “the gates”. It would be difficult to reverse engineer this process because a lot of it was stray thought or unexplained guidance, so I’ll just provide some of what we came to and omit the ramble.

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The Frank Files Julia Eve The Frank Files Julia Eve

The Frank Files Entry 3: Pluto Retrograde

The last time we talked to Frank in an organized fashion was last Saturday, November 7th. Our first formal introduction to Frank was on May 24th, 2020.

The two entries that precede this one cover the timeline of January 1, 2020 - sometime in March.

Because stories rarely unfold in a perfect line, we will aptly allow this one to function more like a spiral. With that being said, I’d like to start this post with a piece of music titled O Radiant Dawn by James MacMillan and Apollo5. It was given to us last week via our communication channel with the still undisclosed Frank. It will serve as an appropriate introduction to access the vibration of this update and also remind us, no matter where this goes, music remains an important theme.

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The Frank Files Julia Eve The Frank Files Julia Eve

The Frank Files Entry 2: 417hz

For the days following the purchase of Becoming Supernatural, we spent some time searching online and through our own resources trying to uncover what the word gamma meant for us.

In this frenzied discovery process, we uncovered a handful of interesting leads and connections which I will highlight below.

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Tarot Spread Julia Eve Tarot Spread Julia Eve

Tarot Spread: Sun, Moon, Star & Shadow

The tarot spread that I'm going to share with you today is one that I use when performing my Pathwalker reading for others. I typically perform it at the start of the reading to get a nice snapshot of what strengths and particulars my querent is dealing with in the moment. It is meant to be personal, insightful and reflective. I then go on to perform the rest of the reading made up of a few different components, but it occurs to me that this small 4 card spread can be a total standalone - and so I wish to share it with you! 

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