Julia Eve Julia Eve

Making Magick with the 6 of Swords

Before Pisces season engulfs me entirely, I figured I should try to make at least one blog post before the month is up. This should be pretty easy to do, because all of the content was essentially already written. You see, I kind of forgot I started writing some kind of “book” back in 2018. It was supposed to be a resource to help you work intentionally/ritualistically with all 78 tarot cards. Looks like I got 60K words deep and then the whole thing was put on the backburner when my mom got sick. After that, it was Tower after Tower after Tower and well, it’s been collecting digital dust every since.

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learning, Tips & Techniques Julia Eve learning, Tips & Techniques Julia Eve

Using Tarot To Cut Ties

With Scorpio season quickly approaching, we are reminded of the importance of life, death and letting things come to pass. Associated with the tarot card Death, Scorpio alludes to transience; the need to make space for things to end, transform and move from one state to the next. We give the seasons this grace each year, and so it’s equally as important in our own life that we honour the cycles, and make peace with this powerful force.

Death, change and transformation can be scary, which is why we often see the Death card depicted so bleakly. But, it’s also natural. In fact, when we try to evade death’s inevitability, we often find out how futile it is to cling to something past expiry. In other words, we can't escape the pain of goodbyes by holding on for too long. Everything has a consequence, after all.

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