Julia Eve Julia Eve

Making Magick with the 6 of Swords

Before Pisces season engulfs me entirely, I figured I should try to make at least one blog post before the month is up. This should be pretty easy to do, because all of the content was essentially already written. You see, I kind of forgot I started writing some kind of “book” back in 2018. It was supposed to be a resource to help you work intentionally/ritualistically with all 78 tarot cards. Looks like I got 60K words deep and then the whole thing was put on the backburner when my mom got sick. After that, it was Tower after Tower after Tower and well, it’s been collecting digital dust every since.

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Resources, Meditation Julia Eve Resources, Meditation Julia Eve

Musickal Meditations - Channeling The Tower

After a longer than expected hiatus, we’re back with our 16th meditation, this one designed to capture the essence and energy of The Tower. You might be asking yourself, why would anyone want to purposely step into this landscape? Well, we hope to clarify that below - so keep reading!

After a longer than expected hiatus, we’re back with our 16th meditation, this one designed in the essence and energy of The Tower. You might be asking yourself, why would anyone want to purposely step into this landscape? Well, we hope to clarify that below - so keep reading!

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Resources, Meditation Julia Eve Resources, Meditation Julia Eve

Musickal Meditations - Channeling The Devil

We just missed Capricorn season with this one! While not totally on schedule, we’re pleased to bring you our 15th musickal meditation, this one designed in the essence and energy of The Devil.

As with all meditations, you may opt to simply enjoy the music on its own, or work with some of the suggestions provided to perform a fuller ritual. We do hope you enjoy the sounds! We will be updating the YouTube page regularly as we add more tracks as well as storing all links on a separate page of this site, so they are easy to find! Keep reading to learn more about connecting with The Devil!

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Resources, Meditation Julia Eve Resources, Meditation Julia Eve

Musickal Meditations - Channeling Temperance

We’re getting this one in right before Sagittarius season comes to a close! This will be our 14th Musickal Meditation, tapping into the essence and energy of our alchemical angel, Temperance.

As with all meditations, you may opt to simply enjoy the music on its own, or work with some of the suggestions provided to perform a fuller ritual. We do hope you enjoy the sounds! We will be updating the YouTube page regularly as we add more tracks as well as storing all links on a separate page of this site, so they are easy to find! Keep reading to learn more about connecting with Temperance!

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Resources, Meditation Julia Eve Resources, Meditation Julia Eve

Musickal Meditations - Channeling Death

For the entirety of 2022, Death has been a major theme for us. Not only does it continually come up in readings, we’ve also both experienced some major shifts in life this year, providing more evidence of this force in motion. Because it’s been such a thing for us, we’ve been a bit slower with this write up. Turns out though, divine timing wins again as we’re now less than a week away from Scorpio season (associated with Death), so it’s all worked out.

So, we hope this track serves you and on a personal note, we’re hoping it also helps us to properly assimilate these energies and the messages they have for us.

As with all meditations, you may opt to simply enjoy the music on its own, or work with some of the suggestions provided to perform a fuller ritual. We do hope you enjoy the sounds! We will be updating the YouTube page regularly as we add more tracks as well as storing all links on a separate page of this site, so they are easy to find! Keep reading to learn more about connecting with Death!

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learning, Tips & Techniques Julia Eve learning, Tips & Techniques Julia Eve

Using Tarot To Cut Ties

With Scorpio season quickly approaching, we are reminded of the importance of life, death and letting things come to pass. Associated with the tarot card Death, Scorpio alludes to transience; the need to make space for things to end, transform and move from one state to the next. We give the seasons this grace each year, and so it’s equally as important in our own life that we honour the cycles, and make peace with this powerful force.

Death, change and transformation can be scary, which is why we often see the Death card depicted so bleakly. But, it’s also natural. In fact, when we try to evade death’s inevitability, we often find out how futile it is to cling to something past expiry. In other words, we can't escape the pain of goodbyes by holding on for too long. Everything has a consequence, after all.

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Resources, Meditation Julia Eve Resources, Meditation Julia Eve

Musickal Meditations - Channeling The Hanged Man

We’re back with another track in our Musickal Meditation series. This installment features The Hanged Man. I’m excited to share this one because The Hanged Man has come to be a very special card both personally and within the context of our work here. Its mysteries have captivated us over the last couple of years, and we’ve learned so much from the themes it conveys: surrender, the law of reversal, altered states of consciousness and exchanging the material for the spiritual (while honouring both).

As with all meditations, you may opt to simply enjoy the music on its own, or work with some of the suggestions provided to perform a fuller ritual. We do hope you enjoy the sounds! We will be updating the YouTube page regularly as we add more tracks as well as storing all links on a separate page of this site, so they are easy to find! Keep reading to learn more about connecting with The Hanged Man.

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Resources, Meditation Julia Eve Resources, Meditation Julia Eve

Musickal Meditations - Channeling The High Priestess

Last week I shared a new collaborative project I’ve been working on with my partner Tim and my dad, combining tarot and meditation. The purpose of the tracks we are creating is to bring the listener into alignment with the Major Arcana card they are wishing to focus upon. Last week we shared our piece for The Magician, and today we bring you The High Priestess!

While you may opt to simply enjoy the track on its own, we have also provided some suggestions should you want to incorporate it into a fuller ritual. We do hope you enjoy the sounds! We will be updating the YouTube page regularly as we add more tracks. Feel free to follow along - we’ll likely use the space for other content as well. I also plan on storing all meditations on a separate page of this site, so they are easy to find! Keep reading to learn more about connecting with The High Priestess.

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Resources, Meditation Julia Eve Resources, Meditation Julia Eve

Musickal Meditations - Channeling The Magician

Tarot and music (or sound/vibration) share an inextricable link. In a sort of subtle manner, the language of music is well fused into the cards. We refer to them as keys; we divide the deck into a Major and Minor arcana. When approaching the principles that tarot preaches, we are confronted with more along the musical lines - ideas of balance, harmony, vibration etc. In addition, many systems apply musical attributions (notes) to the major arcana - further alluding to the connection.

So is this just metaphorical, or is there a more literal implication? Many spiritual and philosophical systems will tell you that the study of sound will reveal greater mysteries of the universe. Pythagoras said “there is geometry in the humming of the strings, there is music in the spacing of the spheres”. Hazrat Inayat Khan is quoted as saying “He who knows the secret of sound, knows the mystery of the whole universe”. These are just two examples.

With this in mind, my partner Tim and I have been exploring this connection for some time, and recently we approached my dad to get a musical perspective because my dad is a musician. Coincidentally, he was in the midst of his own meditation project, and being a lifelong pursuer of the strange and occult, he was quite excited to see just what could be done with a single note attribution and a vision.

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