A trigger is something which sounds an alarm and causes a disruption or reaction either internally, externally or both. They can come on sudden and strong, and so in many ways they can feel out of our control. Maybe someone says something that feels like a judgement or insult. Perhaps a view you identify with gets called into question. Or, maybe you observe someone embodying an attribute that you yourself feel uncomfortable expressing.

Some ways to know you’re being triggered include becoming defensive, feeling an overwhelming emotion come on suddenly, anxiety responses such fight/flight/freeze or reacting strongly rather than responding calmly.

❂ Action: Pay attention as you move through the day and make a note of anything that triggerd a reaction (internally or externally).

❂ Reflection: What were they? How did I react? Why do I think I was triggered in that moment?  

❂ Draw A Card Prompt: What else do I need to know about the situation that triggered me?