The Hanged Man & The Tower


The Hanged Man & The Tower


  • There are similarities between The Hanged Man and the figure falling from the tower on the right. Both figures are wearing blue, with red details (tights and shoes), they each have an illuminated head (halo on Hanged Man and crown on the figure). Also, their heads are both upside down which is in contrast to the figure on the left whose face is right-side up.

  • The Tower (structure) and The Hanged Man occupy the centre space of the card, both rigid and structured.

  • In both cards, there is a sense of things being turned around. In this over-turning, or reversing of what is known, we are free to enter a new state.

  • Surrender is visually evident in both cards. The Hanged Man surrenders to a new perspective or state of consciousness, while the figures in The Tower surrender to the fall.

  • In The Tower, we see a lightening storm underway and while water is not visible in The Hanged Man, it has an implied link based on its elemental/astrological and Kabalistic associations. The Hebrew letter associated with The Hanged Man is Mem, which means “water”. There is also a passage in The Hanged Man section of Tarot Fundamentals (Paul Foster Case) which alludes to this connection further. It reads “The element water is a substance that is electrical in nature. This knowledge enables an individual to effect a reversal in his environment. Through this reversal, we can free our mind from subjection to appearances…”

  • What do YOU see???

Possible Interpretation:

We can enter into a new life by choice or by force. The Hanged Man is the perfect symbol not just for moving through turbulent periods, but for preparing for them ahead of time. When we are faced with disruption, chaos and upheaval, we can look at it in any numbers of ways. We can use it as an opportunity to find the bright side and the possibilities that could come from the situation. Or, we could choose to see it as inherently negative with nothing to be gained. There are lessons and blessings everywhere. How we choose to face the world can be the difference between what we get to experience. When discomfort comes, The Hanged Man says to find that cool, calm centre. We can’t control it all - both The Hanged Man and The Tower emphasize this and speak to letting go, though in very different ways. Understanding this, and and learning to surrender, are some ways we can lessen the impact or sting of life.

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