Exploring the Full Supermoon in Sagittarius (with tarot!)


June 14th marks the peak of the Full Supermoon in Sagittarius. Of course, while the effects of its charge are highest on this day, you may still feel the impact a couple days leading up to it as well as coming off of it.

If you’re astrologically savvy, you may already have a sense of what these energies have in store for yourself or even the collective. Around here, while we do take notice of what’s transitioning in the skies, we also love to explore things through the lens of tarot.

In this post, we will discuss a technique you can use to explore moon phases, which will both connect you to the stars as well as the cards. To start, you’ll want to search your deck for the tarot cards we’ll be working with. In this case, you’ll want to find The Lovers (representing Gemini; the current astrological season) and Temperance (representing the sign the Full Moon is in). So to simplify, we have a Full Supermoon in Sagittarius during Gemini season which gives us The Lovers (Gemini) and Temperance (Sagittarius). 

For the purpose of this exercise, keep in mind what a Full Moon means. Unlike a New Moon which is dark, indicating a time for reflection and introspection, a Full Moon shows the cycle at its fullest. This could imply a more active period or a time where seeds that were previously planted burst to life. Furthermore, because we are dealing with a supermoon, the energy available is magnified. You can think of it as a lightbulb with a super high wattage. Of course, technically speaking a supermoon isn't emanating more light, it’s just closer to Earth and thus appears bigger and brighter.

Now, with The Lovers and Temperance in hand, you’ll want to lay them side by side so you can begin to explore the connections and oppositions between them. This will give you an idea of the energy we may be dealing with.  Below you will find a handful of prompts to get you started. Try to fill in the blanks as much as possible and then keep reading to see what we came up with.

  • Symbolically, visually and thematically how do The Lovers and Temperance connect or interact?

  • How do The Lovers and Temperance oppose each other? In what ways do they differ?

  • What do these combined energies, relationally as well as adversarially, imply in terms of the themes this Full Moon may be offering us?

Here is how we answered the above…

1) Symbolically, visually and thematically how do The Lovers and Temperance connect or interact?

  • There are angelic figures present in each image, both with red wings.

  • Solar imagery can be seen in each scene. The sun in The Lovers as well as the emanations in Temperance (coming off the angel’s crown and in the distance).

  • There are mountains in the background of each scene. Mountain may represent attainment, illumination, initiation or trials.

  • Temperance is ruled by fire in its association with Sagittarius, and in The Lovers we can see flames coming off the tree on the right.

  • The Hebrew letter associated with Temperance is Samekh which is considered 1 of the 3 serpent letters in the alphabet. In The Lovers, we see a serpent climbing up the tree on the left.

  • The Holy Trinity is represented in each card in different ways. Also note the triangle on Temperance’s gown as another example of this.

  • Both cards take place in a garden-like scene.

  • Thematically, we would say each card speaks to super-consciousness, beauty, harmony, a blending of elements, union and connection.

2) How do The Lovers and Temperance oppose each other? In what ways do they differ?

  • They are different elements. Temperance is Fire and The Lovers is Air.

  • Nudity is depicted in The Lovers while in Temperance, we see the angel fully clothed in white.

  • The Hebrew letter associated with Temperance is Samekh which means “to prop” or “support”. The Hebrew letter associated with The Lovers is Zayin which means “sword”. Here we see a contrast as Samekh implies holding something together while Zayin could indicate something being severed or divided.

  • In The Lovers, we have a pure and natural scene (included in this would be the nudity), however in Temperance there has been some intervention. For example, look at the path that’s been carved out leading to the hill in the distance. In the Thoth deck, Temperance is called “Art” and in this sense, it’s as if we are working with what has been provided naturally; sculpting it through an alchemical process (mixing of the jugs). The Lovers on the other hand depicts a scene that’s less differentiated and more keeping to its natural state.

3) What do these combined energies, relationally as well as adversarially, imply in terms of the themes this Full Moon may be offering us?

Given the angelic figure in each image, we would suggest that this Full Moon may be calling us to connect with the highest parts of ourselves. In other words, moving beyond our personalities or daily circumstances to see how everything is connected from a grander perspective. We would also think this would be a great time to bring something beautiful into your space that makes you feel uplifted and joyful. Arousing those sense pleasures, as long as you’re not over doing it, may be really rejuvenating at this time. And speaking of “over doing it”, this Full Moon may also be illuminating an aspect of your life that has come out of balance. Temperance is all about moderation, and The Lovers can often be about duality and picking between base desires and greater needs. In this sense, you may have no choice but to acknowledge any extremes in your life and make a commitment to take a healthier, more sustainable approach.

In terms of oppositions, we see a primary challenge around bringing into alignment what we think intellectually (air element) and what we are compelled to do by desire alone (fire element). In the middle of these two impulses sits a mediator as represented by the angel in both cards. The fire coming off of Sagittarius may be igniting a sense of adventure and exploration while Gemini may be keeping us aloof; head in the clouds. The best way through this is to ensure that what you want to do is in alignment with what is in your best interest to pursue. This Full Supermoon may ask: How can I take my highest vision and turn it into action? Am I being overzealous in my approach, leading to impulsivity? Or conversely, am I too in my head and feeling confused as to how to move forward? With Sagittarius illuminated, it could be easy to get bored and restless. Here, right thought equals right action. If your dreams and ideals are righteous and true, you will have an easier time moving them into the realm of form. Just continue to check with your inner mediator, ensure you’re not over- or under-doing it, and then enjoy the ride!

Of course, this is just a very general way to explore a Full Moon as it speaks more to the collective energies that everyone may tap into. To get more specific, you’ll want to consult your own chart along with tarot birth cards to see what’s in store for you uniquely. You can also bring tarot and oracle into it further by performing a spread. If you don’t have one lined up, we have you covered!

Full Moon Tarot Oracle Spread

And remember, this technique is adaptable to any planetary event of moon phase. Just isolate the tarot cards that are associated and then find the threads! For reference, we have provided a handy chart below! 

Card Planet/Sign or Element
The Fool Uranus
The Magician Mercury
The High Priestess The Moon
The Empress Venus
The Emperor Aries
The Hierophant Taurus
The Lovers Gemini
The Chariot Cancer
Strength Leo
The Hermit Virgo
The Wheel of Fortune Jupiter
Justice Libra
The Hanged Man Neptune
Death Scorpio
Temperance Sagittarius
The Devil Capricorn
The Tower Mars
The Star Aquarius
The Moon Pisces
The Sun The Sun
Judgement Pluto
The World Saturn

Wishing you all a blessed and bold Full Supermoon in Sagittarius!
Julia & Tim


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