Intuition isn't Intuition isn't Intuition...


For a long time, I associated the High Priestess with intuition - just, a broad sweeping faculty that spoke to one's ability to access something out of the ordinary.

The more I sit with this archetype though, the more nuanced my understanding of intuition has become. I have discovered, and probably you have as well, that intuition isn't intuition isn't intuition. There are levels, degrees and types - and we think this may be why many of us have a hard time discerning between the voices in our head. 

“Is this one leading me down the path of good?” “Is this one using fear as a tactic to hold me back?” “I like what this one is saying, but I also think it might be completely off its rocker.” - can you relate? Or is this just me?

I really want to dissect the faculty of intuition to better understand these competing thoughts, but I also want to begin with a simple premise: Regardless of the source of these “insights”, all those different voices have a purpose - and I'd argue that mostly, those purposes, while sometimes unproductive, have a good origin. For example, the voice of fear, while overbearing and restrictive, may be trying to protect us the only way it knows how. While that voice that prompts us to do something wild and daring, despite our better judgment, may see something on the horizon that our conscious minds can't yet comprehend! Or, it may also be afraid - afraid of missing out, afraid of not taking that chance, afraid of staying in the same old situation. You see, it can get quite complex!

So then, how can we understand the motivation underlying these “intuitions” that arise in us - or arrive to us? I think part of this may be in first discerning where the “voice” is coming from.

Let’s explore the possibilities, but also keep in mind language can be a limiting thing. I have proposed some definitions in this post, but that’s just as a way of teasing out the variations of sensation coming from those intuitive realms. If you equate the word “impulse” to how I’ve described “instinct” or even “inspiration”, that is all well and good. This is really just an exploration and an attempt to gain some clarity.

Intuition 1 - Instinct

How it may manifest: Gut feeling, reaction or response without time to process on a conscious level, a memory that can or can’t be traced, a fear or urging toward or away from something,

Cards to meditate on: The High Priestess, The Moon


Let’s go back to where we started this piece, with The High Priestess, and contemplate the specific type of intuition this archetype may be pointing to. To me, The High Priestess connects us to something we would describe as instinct. Because she guards the gates to the subconscious - the watery, hidden, mysterious depths, I think of this form of intuition as being somewhat responsive in nature. An example of this might be what happens when someone sneaks up on us and we jump or scream. Or, how we may react to seeing a certain type of creature - think, snake or spider! The High Priestess represents the faculty of memory and this memory threads not only through our personal lives, but our collective ones too. This means she holds the scrolls of experience, and feeds back to us an “appropriate” response based on previous results, especially as a mechanism of survival, protection and perseverance as an entity and a species.

Intuition 2 - Impulse

How it may manifest: Sudden burst of energy, excitement, urgency, comes on suddenly but may not persist long.

Cards to meditate on: Ace of Wands, Knight of Swords, 8 of Wands

Impulse may be described as a sudden burst of energy that comes with some desire to act. The difference between impulse, and what we’ll later discuss with insight, is that impulse tends to come on quickly and leave just the same. For this reason, it can often carry a tone of urgency or scarcity i.e. “you have to act quick”, “if you don’t do this thing, you’ll miss out forever”. Even though those tones may be present, doesn’t mean that impulse is necessarily reckless or irresponsible. Impulse could be a form of intuition that sees beyond the stuckness of any given moment - providing a glimmer of hope through the symbol of a door unlocked, a window slightly ajar, but perhaps not for long. Impulsive acts can certainly get us into trouble if we aren’t using discernment, but I think they also allow for glorious opportunities to break out of daily monotony in really interesting ways that, in some cases, can change the entire trajectory of our lives.  

If you aren’t sure if the impulse you’re dealing with is in your best interest or not, then it’s worth meditating on or doing some self-inquiry to better understand what’s coming up. In this exploration, challenge the authenticity, the reasons why, the possible risks involved and how either acting on it, or not, makes you genuinely feel.

Intuition 3 - Insight

How it may manifest: A breakthrough or “aha” moment, soft and gentle advice, a sudden surety about something, information that arrives by way of a revelation or download, benevolent or neutral in tone.

Cards to meditate on: Ace of Swords, The Hierophant, The Hermit

Insight tends to come forward without an urgent need to act. There aren’t usually consequences involved, so it might simply feel like a spontaneous knowing or “aha”. What springs into our knowing may be an awareness of ourselves that was veiled until that moment; a deep understanding about a situation or pattern in our lives; or some greater revelation about the nature of reality. 

The thing with insights is that while they don’t necessarily urge us to take action in the moment, they can leave us with a kind of life-shifting perspective that overtime, may naturally cause changes in our lives. While one of their markers is the suddenness of their arrival, you may also recognize them by their lite, benevolent, soft or gentle tone. Of course, depending on the gravity of the insight, you may get one that absolutely knocks you over, a la The Tower. So, while I want to provide some frames here, I don’t want to build a massive box around any of these concepts. Be open to variables in presentation! 


How it may manifest: Creative urge, awe-inspiring moment, a fateful or captivating feeling, divinely led intervention, an uplifting sensation, feels effortless to pursue.

Cards to meditate on: The Lovers, The Chariot, Strength, The Star

Similar to impulse, inspiration brings with it a feeling of excitement and creative energy. The difference is, it doesn’t necessarily involve urgency or demand. Inspiration may give us more grace and time to act on what is unfolding, however it can at first feel like a sudden burst of energy motivating one to do something that suddenly feels very important. Maybe that thing involves tackling a project, writing a story, taking a photo, telling someone how you feel - the forms our inspirations take are endless. Inspirations can come from an invisible realm, or have a very earthly source. Think of a time you were reading something that absolutely captivated you and suddenly you felt inspired to share it, write something similar or compose some piece of art in appreciation of it.

One way to tell the difference between an impulse and an inspiration may be in how persistent the feeling is. If there is something that continues to come up for you, then you may be dealing with inspiration as opposed to a short-lived impulse. An inspiration may also be discernible by asking yourself “who does this serve?” Inspirations, especially the divine sort, don’t tend to be entirely self-serving. However, the inspiration can still be very self-satisfying, as the source of energy you get from it would be pure, restorative and sustainable. And because of the energy it provides, inspirations can feel like they have a life of their own - taking us over completely so that what they guide us to do, basically does itself - little effort required!

So, what does all of this matter, anyway? I suppose it depends on who is asking and why. For me, being able to trace the origin of an urge can help me know what part of me is talking and the motivation behind it. This may also help me understand if that urge is to be followed or simply acknowledged and ignored. It also demonstrates what was stated at the top - intuition, isn’t intuition isn’t intuition

There is a lot of emphasis placed on the idea that one should abide by the mantra - “follow your gut” or “trust your intuition” - but, is this always helpful? If the intuition comes in the form of an instinctive response to someone or something in the environment, then maybe it’s best to analyze this first before acting on any promptings. On the other hand, a continuous impulse that feels strange and risky, may actually be divine inspiration. So, how do we know? Meditate on what is coming up. Contemplate it. Go through some process of inquiry with yourself. You could even ask the cards for some clarity! Wouldn’t it be something if one of the cards listed under one of the headings above happened to make an appearance - let’s say, “The Star” for example?

And speaking of intuitions - it was intuition in the form of inspiration that helped me write this post. Specifically, something I’m reading now and something we’ve previously written kind of mashed together and this popped out! I hope the framework here serves you in some way, prompts your own process of discover or helps you to distinguish your own intuitive voices and visions.

Until next time, 


Musickal Meditations - Channeling The Tower


Podcast Feature! Check Us Out On The Aquarean - Ep. 28