learning, Interpretations Julia Eve learning, Interpretations Julia Eve

Following The Light In Tarot

About 4 weeks ago I stopped drinking my daily brew. And it’s not just coffees and lattes I gave up, but all types of caffeine in all of its forms. I have been drinking coffee solidly for close to 20 years, so to give up my daily cup is kind of a big deal…for me.

I did this for a few reasons mostly related to health and overall wellbeing. For starters, a lot of coffee gives me heartburn. Oddly enough, a Starbucks triple latte goes down super smooth, but it’s painful for my wallet. On top of digestive reasons, I also started to become super aware of the ups and downs that come from it and how sensitive I am to those fluctuations. Leading up to this decision, and on the back of it, I’ve also had a lot of insight come to me around energy and more specifically, where I get mine from and how I use it. And with this insight, I’ve been taking steps to eliminate unhealthy forms of energy acquisition, while focusing on getting it in more sustainable ways.

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Resources, Meditation Julia Eve Resources, Meditation Julia Eve

Musickal Meditations - Channeling The High Priestess

Last week I shared a new collaborative project I’ve been working on with my partner Tim and my dad, combining tarot and meditation. The purpose of the tracks we are creating is to bring the listener into alignment with the Major Arcana card they are wishing to focus upon. Last week we shared our piece for The Magician, and today we bring you The High Priestess!

While you may opt to simply enjoy the track on its own, we have also provided some suggestions should you want to incorporate it into a fuller ritual. We do hope you enjoy the sounds! We will be updating the YouTube page regularly as we add more tracks. Feel free to follow along - we’ll likely use the space for other content as well. I also plan on storing all meditations on a separate page of this site, so they are easy to find! Keep reading to learn more about connecting with The High Priestess.

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