Musickal Meditations - Channeling Temperance


We’re getting this one in right before Sagittarius season comes to a close! This will be our 14th Musickal Meditation, tapping into the essence and energy of our alchemical angel, Temperance.

As with all meditations, you may opt to simply enjoy the music on its own, or work with some of the suggestions provided to perform a fuller ritual. We do hope you enjoy the sounds! We will be updating the YouTube page regularly as we add more tracks as well as storing all links on a separate page of this site, so they are easy to find! Keep reading to learn more about connecting with Temperance!

Meditation Package - Temperance in G Sharp


Background: The purpose of these meditations is to allow you space to connect with the 22 Major Arcana, which are, in many ways, separated aspects of ourselves. Each element of this project has been carefully considered, from the note selection to the length of the track to the written piece which accompanies it. The intention is to supply the user of the track with the musical essence of the Major Arcana in question to help them get in touch with their own inner archetype of that nature. We envision that one may use this as part of a regular meditative practice, to open up a card reading session, before or during ritual, or as a way to simply connect more with their deck.

Description for Temperance: Temperance follows Death and takes us into a somewhat idyllic, Garden of Eden scene. We are greeted by a beautiful angel, pouring from two cups, trying to achieve the perfect balance between fire and waters. Temperance speaks to the trials one must go through on their initiatory path. Through the testing, blending and mixing of the right ingredients, Temperance teaches us how to come into our own personal brand of balance and harmony. No two paths look alike, and so it is important that one approaches this archetype in a very individual way and listens carefully to the specific instructions that are provided.

Before listening to the meditation music, you may opt to create a ritual-like space using some of the suggestions below. Of course, these are just ideas - feel free to adapt to your liking!

Day of The Week: Thursday
Candle: Blue
Incense: Cedarwood
Oil: Anise, Clove, Nutmeg
Plants: Chestnut, Fig, Hyssop, Oak, Sage, Sassafras
Crystals: Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Sapphire
Archangel: Adnakhiel

The following correspondences are of a Kabbalistic nature. We have included them as a way for the practitioner to connect with the card in different ways. You can read more about this form of exploration via our blog post: Musick, Tarot & The Tree of Life.

Path: 25th Path
Yetziratic Title: The Experimental Intelligence
Connecting Sephiroth: Tiphareth to Yesod
Action: Sun acting on Moon through Sagittarius
Colour (Queen Scale): Yellow
Hebrew Letter: ס, Samech, S (saw-meck)
Letter Name: Prop, Support
Letter Value: 60

Reflect on the following passage below, designed to further set the stage before you begin.

Behold, a great Angel,
& it sayeth unto thee —

"The Sun is my father &
The Moon is my mother,
& yet I am born of thee

(—or wast thou born of me?)

w/ one foot on solid ground
& the other dipped into eternity,

I weave thy World of Form
w/ two contending forces —

& thou art their reconciler;

Look beyond all opposites,
& verily shalt thou see that
They are one and the same —

Birth & Death...
Pleasure & Pain...
Creation & Destruction...

These are the limbs of
The Great Archer's bow,
Which holdeth Life in balance;

Let thyself be as His arrow,
& choose the One Path,
Straight and Narrow,

But fear thee not, for
Thou shalt cometh to see
That, ultimately, thou art free."


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