Your Tarot Reader Archetype


What type of tarot reader are you? Readers come in all shapes an sizes, with different interests, methods of delivery, and preferences in their approach. Using this question as a starting point, we began to think about how one could define or narrow in on their practice. From there, we came up with a quick guide using the Major Arcana cards as templates for exploring further this idea of tarot reader archetypes.

This guide, which you can now find in the “Resources” drop down menu, also provides a couple quick tips for figuring out which Major Arcana fits you most, along with a spread to dig deeper.

Keep in mind these concepts aren’t meant to box you in - you might see yourself in one, many, a mixture - and it can also change quite a bit over time as you grow in your practice!

To discover your tarot reader archetype, check out our new resource page!.

Julia & Tim


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