Tips & Techniques Julia Eve Tips & Techniques Julia Eve

Predicting Timing With Tarot

This topic seems to be an area of challenge for many, and rightfully so. Picking up on surrounding energy is one thing, but being able to say when something may happen is difficult, because as most of us acknowledge, free will exists. Just because something looks to be moving a certain way, doesn't mean it will stay the course. There are so many variables that can impact trajectory, so I think when we're talking about timing, we have to first acknowledge that timing, like anything with tarot, does not live in the realm of absolutes.

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Deck Impressions Julia Eve Deck Impressions Julia Eve

Deck Impression: Zombie Tarot

Deck Information: Zombie Tarot by Stacey Graham and Paul Kepple as published by Quirk Books, 2012.

The Zombie Tarot is the brainchild (yup, I kinda punned) of Stacey Graham (writer and professional tarot reader), illustrator Paul Kepple and publisher Quirk Books. I decided I needed this deck after having it continually pop-up for me during my regular course of online activity. The images immediately appealed to my senses and I quickly sought out a more complete view of the deck so I could make my final decision. With all my planned purchases, I like to do research, and part of that research includes getting my eyes on a good sample of images including majors, minors and the courts.

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Tips & Techniques Julia Eve Tips & Techniques Julia Eve

Shuffling: An Act of Ritual and Intent

The concept of how to shuffle properly probably sounds like a non-topic. Anyone who’s ever played a basic game of Go Fish knows how to shuffle a deck of cards! Right? Right, it is true that the technical aspect of shuffling the deck is straightforward enough, but what about the intuitive part? Believe it or not, shuffling, or rather, when to stop shuffling, had become one of my biggest road blocks. Why? Because I’m kind of left-brained a lot of the time! I like to work within systems I can understand and analyze and shuffling, that just seems so random and haphazard! For me to get beyond this block, I needed to build an element of ritual into this process. So if you’re struggling with this bit too, perhaps some of what I’ve learned and applied here will help you out.

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General Julia Eve General Julia Eve

Tarot "Rules" and Misconceptions

Anything that has been around for decades, if not centuries, is bound to carry with it traditions of history and ideas about it’s best use. Tarot is no exception and through the years, all sorts of folks have applied their best practices to this particular form of divination. With that in mind, this article is less about dispelling myths, but rather a way for me to express my thoughts on ideas that have been passed down through the years and to offer some explanation as to why or why not they apply to my daily practice.

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Tips & Techniques Julia Eve Tips & Techniques Julia Eve

The Art of Selection

The process of selecting a deck (whether it’s your 1st or 100th) is a unique one and I can’t say with certainty, what will or won’t work for you. Heck, I don’t always know the best way to approach it for myself! I’ve purchased decks on a whim that left me gobsmacked by the beauty of the few cards I could see only to unwrap them and feel much less dazzled if not down right disconnected. I’ve also made spur of the moment purchases where the deck didn’t strike me as something that I would normally be drawn to, but when I get them home, I’m pleasantly surprised at just how well our energies work together. Perhaps this is where “gut selection” comes into play. So the preliminary moral of the story is, prepare to be surprised either way if you’re making a purchase on the fly!

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