Temperance & 8 of Wands


Temperance & 8 of Wands


  • In both landscapes, there are water and hills. The stream in the 8 of Wands also looks similar to the path in the background of Temperance, in the way it winds.

  • There is a sense of growth present in each image. In the 8 of Wands, we see (as we do with all Wands) the sprigs of leaves growing off the wands. In Temperance, there are iris' (a Spring flower) blooming amidst the swamp grass.

  • Elementally and astrologically there is an implied connection. Temperance is governed by Sagittarius, and the 8 of Wands occupies the first decan of Sagittarius. Each card is also ruled by the fire element.

  • There is a sense of motion both visually and implied. In Temperance, we see the archangel blending and mixing the water, moving it gently from one cup to the other. In the 8 of Wands, we see 8 wands mid-flight. The way the water is being poured is diagonal, much like the way the 8 wands appear. Movement, travel and divine momentum are all words we would attribute to these cards. We also see a path in the background of Temperance, adding further evidence that travel is a shared theme.

  • While we can’t see rainbows in either image, they are implied in each. In many other versions of Temperance, a rainbow is seen and speaks to the healing nature of colour through the medium of which it is expressed. As well, in the Thoth version of the 8 of Wands, there is a rainbow depicted at the top of the card.

  • What do YOU see???

Possible Interpretation:

Temperance is ruled by Sagittarius, which links it to the idea of archery. Similarly, we could liken the flying wands in the 8 with arrows leaving their bow. In this sense, both cards speak to a degree of swiftness and precision. But, because both cards are ruled by the fire element, perhaps it is energetic precision that is required. In other words, it’s not enough to point in the right direction or have physical stamina on our side - we must also sense energetically when the right time is! How can we do that? Part of this may be found in Temperance - seeking moderation and keeping ourselves in balance. When we can cultivate that inner harmony, it becomes that much easier to know when to go and when to pause. It also becomes easier to stay in flow i.e. moving with the path of least resistance. Look at those wands - they move unimpeded - nothing getting in their way! Things don’t have to be hard! In order to get the results we desire, we too much seek such an unobstructed path.

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