8 of Cups & 8 of Swords


8 of Cups & 8 of Swords


  • Both cards are a number 8.

  • The figures in each card are both wearing the colour red.

  • There are bodies of water in each scene.

  • Both landscapes feature jagged rocks in the background.

  • In both cards, we cannot see the figure’s eyes, though for different reasons. In the 8 of Swords they are covered by blindfold, and in the 8 of Cups the figure has their back turned.

  • In each card there is a sense of not being able to see clearly. In the 8 of Swords, we have a figure bound and blindfolded. In the 8 of Cups, it is dark outside and the path forward is uncertain.

  • The unbalanced division of elements is very similar in both cards. In the 8 of cups, there are 3 cups on top and 5 cards on the bottom. In the 8 of Swords, we have 3 swords on the left, and 5 swords on the right.

  • Visually, the figure in each card occupies the empty space between the elements, almost making them appear as if they are representing a 9th Cup or 9th Sword. Perhaps this indicates that each of these scenes lead directly to the next in their respective suit i.e. The 9 of Cups and the 9 of Swords.

  • What do YOU see???

Possible Interpretation:

We can’t know and see everything all of the time. There will be periods where we feel unclear, foggy or trapped. Sometimes this is a mental state, sometimes it is an emotional one and sometimes it even translates to the physical. Here, we see nods to emotional and mental uncertainty at the least. But, the difference in body posture here tells us a lot. While we are trapped on the mental plane (swords), we see the response to this may be taking movement on the emotional plane (cups). Is there a situation, person or relationship that is keeping you stuck, lost, unclear? Sometimes it is better to move away then be trapped in limbo. The journey through this situation may be not easy, but it may be necessary for growth and freedom. Even if you can’t know for certain what a different path looks like, you can feel confident than it’s better than what you’re dealing with in the present. Will and faith may be required.

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