The Tower & Ace of Swords


The Tower & Ace of Swords


  • Each card features something which strikes. In The Tower, it's the lightning and in the Ace, it's the sword. The Sword is also made of metal which is a conductor of electricity.

  • Both cards feature an erect structure occupying the centre of the card - the tower and the sword.

  • Each card contains falling Yods. There are 22 in The Tower and 6 in the Ace of Swords.

  • Each image features jagged rock. It is evident in the forefront of The Tower and in the background of the Ace of Swords.

  • Clouds are visible in each card.

  • There are crowns in each image, both seen at the top of the card.

  • In The Tower we see two figures falling from either side of the structure. In the Ace of Swords, we see two pieces of greenery falling from either side of the crown.

  • If we explore the landscape through the lens of the Tree of Life, then the crown in each would represent Kether (translates to crown - located at top of tree). The sword and the tower could each represent the middle pillar, while the figures (or greenery) falling from either side may represent the two pillars, Mercy and Severity.

  • The Hebrew letter associated with The Tower is Peh, which is associated with the mouth and speech. The suit of swords is representative of intellect and communication. The story of the Tower of Bebel speaks to the confusion that takes place when we can no longer understand each other. The Tower in this case may demonstrate destruction from the misuse of language vs the right (or precise) use of language symbolized by the Ace of Swords.

  • What do YOU see???

Possible Interpretation:

These cards together point to some kind of big breakthrough, but sometimes when we have a breakthrough, it comes with a breakdown! Systems, structures and mentalities that are no longer serving must be swept away. If we are not prepared for this, it can feel like devastation or even chaos. The Ace of Swords reminds us to use reasoning to see clearly through the perceived mess. Remember to combine both logic with intuition - feeling and knowing. There is a way through even the biggest shakeups and perhaps even promises of something greater on the other side. Use your words wisely and push yourself to be discerning with your thoughts. Is it really as bad as it looks?

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