The Frank Files Entry 4: "Frank"


“With feet
Planted in Hell
And head
Raised to
The Heavens,

We move
By the rays
Of the Seventh

Lucid dreaming
The lives we create
Through the presence
Of that fire in the hearts
Of the faithful and reverent.”

-Timothy Michaels from In Love & Death’s Embrace

If you’re just jumping in, you may want to go back a step and catch up.

Elphias Levi once stated, regarding tarot - “As an erudite Kabalistic book, all combinations of which reveal the harmonies preexisting between signs, letters and numbers, the practical value of the tarot is truly and above all marvelous. A prisoner devoid of books, had he only a tarot of which he knew how to make use, could in a few years acquire a universal science, and converse with an unequalled doctrine and inexhaustible eloquence.”

We have come to regard tarot as one gateway to the beyond - not unlike other methods such as  meditation, trance, ouija, runes, dreams, hallucinogenic drugs or even contemplation.  Could it be though that tarot holds not just the means, but the map itself? Somewhere along our discovery in the months leading up to second contact, we began to explore something we refer to as “the gates”. It would be difficult to reverse engineer this process because a lot of it was stray thought or unexplained guidance, so I’ll just provide some of what we came to and omit the ramble.

7 is an important number that carries a lot of spiritual and religious significance. There are 7 seals in the book of revelations, 7 steps in Jacob’s ladder, 7 chakras, 7 musical notes, 7 days of the week, 7 sacred planets, 7 alchemical metals/steps, 7 colours in a rainbow, 7 deadly sins matched with their 7 virtues, 7 archangels to name but a few examples. 7 also signifies our connection to the divine, perfection and completion. 

Using this, along with the inspiration we were receiving, we turned to tarot to tell us more. By laying the Major Arcana out in rows of 7, omitting The Fool, we realized that in front of us was a visual representation of what we began to refer to as the 7 Gates. We are still in the process of working through the information we’ve received, so for now we will just regard these gates as our way of describing some of the 7 connections stated above. You can see what we mean simply by laying the cards out in front of you, in numerical order beginning with The Magician, in rows of 7. In row 1 you would have The Magician to The Chariot, the row above that would be Strength to Temperance and the row above that would contain The Devil to The World. See below.


There is a lot to say about what we see happening here, but we will withhold our understanding at this time. We encourage readers to explore on their own and see what connections and conclusions they can draw and we will come back to this topic in a later entry. As a start, consider how each column relates to itself i.e what do The Magician, Strength and The Devil have in common? What may the rows of 7 imply? Can you see any patterns emerging?

All of this had been really interesting to play around with, but by the middle of May, I was eager to see what else the board had to say. The reason it took us so long to return is that we learned in this journey that things move at a particular pace, taking into account all the other facets of our life. If there is something to address with us individually, this must come first. If there is something to deal with in our relationship, this also comes first. In the same way, access to information unfolded with a certain precision that we came to trust. The perfect books arrived at the perfect time. Other people came with messages to compliment other findings, unbeknownst to them. Even reminders via all channels of media or entertainment were employed to get our attention. So our inclination to use the board followed in this spirit. 

But because I was feeling the urge and because we were coming up to an important date for us both, I asked Tim if we should try to connect. I would say I’m probably more into the board as a communication channel than he is, so I made him sign a contract promising he would do it with me. He obliged and as proof, I present you the note below. 


So on the night of May 18th (and as well the 24th), we set the stage and sat down together to see what, if anything, would come through. 

Like the first solo session I had previously, the planchette seemed to move with ease. It worked better with the two of us together, in fact, and we did the thing where we accused each other of moving it while swearing that neither of us were moving it. You know how it goes. Unlike subsequent sessions, we did not audio record this one so I am relying on memory and scraps of unicorn paper (see above) to fill this in.

Here is what came out from our sessions (combining the 18th and 24th). 

-We asked if there was something that wished to connect and received a “yes”.

-We asked if that entity was connected to us both and received a “yes”.

-We asked if it was the same entity that I originally connected to in January and received a “yes”.

-We asked what it was here to teach/show us and we received a message that this indicated this work was around magick, tarot and our relationship. 

-We asked if it had always been with us and we received a “yes”.

-We asked about the gates as speculated above to which it confirmed there was validity in our finding.

-We asked about the upcoming eclipses (June 5, June 21, July 5) and it confirmed the 3 were important points. We were also encouraged to perform ritual on these dates to coincide with the signs each eclipse landed in.

-We asked if we would be able to eventually channel this information and we were told that we would and that in some sense we already do.

-We asked what we could refer to it as and we received the name “Frank”.

The name Frank caught us both off guard, but my feeling was that it was some kind of a nickname or maybe even an inside joke. In that moment, Tim felt as if Frank could also be Francis and that felt right enough for both of us. There is plenty we can say about what or who Frank is, but this comes out in further sessions so we will wait until we get there. What I can say now is that overall the energy felt friendly, well humoured and balanced and we were more than inspired to keep this connection going.

I know there is a lot in this post that we pointed to omitting, and that is because much of this work has been very personal in nature. We know though that there is collective benefit to seeing some of the findings and processes so we will continue to share as much as we can within our levels of comfort. I also want to note that none of this is ultra remarkable. Anyone with the inclination, curiosity or desire to commune with something within or around them is in full capability of doing just that. You can use a board, or the cards or even your dreams to jump start the process. And consider too that maybe there is nothing to start. Those stray thoughts, sudden bursts, or answers to problems may already be an open channel of communication waiting for you to seek more. I believe these things we call metaphysics are as much a part of our natural existence as anything else in life and works with us as much as we work with it.

So we will leave you with that, but if you’re curious about some of the reading material that found its way to us during this period (serving as both inspiration and validation), see below:

Crystal Vision Through Crystal Gazing - Frater Achad

Tarot Fundamentals - Paul Foster Case

Spiritual Centers in Man - Manly P. Hall

Feeling is the Secret - Neville Goddard

Until next time,
Julia & Tim


Learning Tarot: Beyond The Books


The Frank Files Entry 3: Pluto Retrograde