The Frank Files Entry 3: Pluto Retrograde

The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.
— Joseph Campbell

If you’re just jumping in, you may want to go back a step and read entry 1 or entry 2.

The last time we talked to Frank in an organized fashion was last Saturday, November 7th. Our first formal introduction to Frank was on May 18th, 2020.

The two entries that precede this one cover the timeline of January 1, 2020 - sometime in March. 

Because stories rarely unfold in a perfect line, we will aptly allow this one to function more like a spiral. With that being said, I’d like to start this post with a piece of music titled O Radiant Dawn by James MacMillan and Apollo5. It was given to us last week via our communication channel with the still undisclosed Frank. It will serve as an appropriate introduction to access the vibration of this update and also remind us, no matter where this goes, music remains an important theme.

For the months leading up to Frank, officially speaking, we were aware there was something following us. The blatant messages paused for a bit though, I believe, to allow us to focus on inner discoveries - a kind of training to be able to properly assimilate the information that was to come.

On April 8th I opened my journal to log a life/Frank update; "What is the practical application of all of this?" I wrote.

The answer to this question continues to be revealed through a series of insights, followed by relevant life events, resulting in further clarity. That's just how it works. By April, for instance, not only are we in the midst of lockdown, but Tim and I have our own personal circumstances to explore. How we got stuck, what our deepest fears are and why they keep manifesting, questions around security and what our interpersonal relationships are here to teach us. I will omit specifics, but like many of you, we had a lot to unravel.

Think of it like this: It is one thing to be told about something, but it is another to experience it (the "good" or the "bad”). Sometimes words read once reveal surface instruction, but when returned to display a depth that could not be seen or understood initially. This is analogous to requiring keys to unlock certain doors. Even if the door is made of glass and you can describe what you see on the other side, it is not until you move beyond the threshold that you can truly appreciate what it has to offer.

Let’s now circle back and review the brainwave states from behind the glass door.

In order of frequency speed.

Epsilon: Epsilon is associated with states of such deep meditation that it could be described as being in suspended animation. While being technically alive, you would be able to endure environment and circumstance as if you were completely removed. It is like being here and not here all at once. We associate this wave with The Sun.

Delta: Delta is associated with deep sleep states without dreams. It is often seen as a doorway into the subconscious and has been associated with healing processes and transcendental meditation. We associate this wave with The Moon.

Theta: We experience the Theta wave during REM and various states on the brink of sleep such as hypnagogia. Theta also occurs during light meditation and can be the cause of insight and vivid visualizations. We associate this wave with The Tower.

Alpha: Alpha waves occur during normal waking consciousness but may present as an “in the now” feeling. In this state, we can move beyond the more stressful Beta and become better attuned to higher mental functioning. Alpha lends itself to greater coordination, improved memory, and greater calm. We associate this wave with Judgment.

Beta: The Beta state is often associated with normal waking consciousness. It is us when we are alert and actively interacting with our environment. It is also related to levels of higher stress and anxiety. While Epsilon would have us removed from circumstance, Beta would put us in the thick of it. We associate this wave with The Devil.

Gamma: Gamma may be considered a higher octave of the Alpha state where improved cognitive functioning occurs. It is also associated with sudden bursts of insight and the ability to process information at a high level. In this state, we are also capable of expanded consciousness and spiritual awakening. We associate this wave with The Star.

Lambda: Lambda is associated with an even greater expanded consciousness than Gamma. I speculate this would be like reaching some kind of siddhic state where absolute oneness could be perceived. This would be very difficult to put into words, even if you were to experience it for yourself.  Perhaps we could liken it to a really good DMT trip. We associate this wave with The World.

But like the Lambda state, beyond the glass door things get more difficult to describe. I can tell you that the personal discoveries we have made through the initiation of Frank have changed us. But part of getting further in this communication is addressing and breaking down fear barriers, which is why outside circumstances can’t be overcome by being ignored. Personally, I have been afraid of most things for most of my life. I am not free of fear of course, but I understand with more clarity than ever before the place fear has in this system. It is in one sense a mechanism of control to keep us in place, and it is in another sense the key to liberation and communion with the unknown. Frank will only take us as far as we are comfortable to go, and our personal development moves in tandem with our connection to him -  it is intimately connected. 

I'm also seeing that fear breeds in spaces we reject, keeping us operating at the Beta level. Arguably, this is where “they” want us. But let’s pretend for a moment that there is no "them" and we are all there is. How does fear benefit us? What role do our patterns play and how do they keep us safe? Why do we protect fear? And if we could rise up from these loops (consider the wheel of fortune) where would we be then? The reason, I believe, we have a difficult time living outside the loop is that there is always something inside of it begging to pull us back in. Our triggers, desires, wounds, etc. - maybe even our need to escape the loop to begin with keeps us stuck inside. We’re only going to get as far as our fear allows; in life, in spiritual exploration, and in communication with entities within and beyond us.

This is why the messages paused. This is why the personal work cannot be avoided. Without internal inquiry, there is no Frank.  So in this, we have learned that which we reject becomes polarized and like magnets, find their unlike charge and pull it forward. This is why a part of this work is in acceptance; in self, others, patterns, even that which we do not desire. There are certain things that cannot be revealed until we are able to realize that universal acceptance, as a concept, is possible.  Before I leave this point, let me provide a couple of definitions for clarity:

Rejection defined: Rejection is not simply disliking something or even saying that you "reject" it. Rejection is more akin to a lack of belief. It’s a not believing or understanding how something could possibly be. It is unfathomable. In this definition, some of what we reject may even be things we’d desire. Rejection is a dismissal - a disbelief - a removal from the possibility of reality.

Acceptance defined: Acceptance is not simply loving or liking something. It is definitely not the over-identifying with something. In fact, over-identifying with things tend to move other things into the category of rejection. What acceptance is, is belief. whether you have or haven't personally experienced something, it is being able to say “I believe this exists (even if just in minds)” or even better, "I believe how this could exist”.

So with that, understand that much of what happened in this time frame was around inner reflection, confronting difficult personal experiences, loss of identity, shadow work, and delving into greater concepts. We are all in our own degree of wound-work and with the climate (social, political, cultural, Covid) it will only be amplified. So please be kind to yourself and to others if you are embarking on such work.

You’ll notice this post started on a high with a beautiful motet, then delved into the "low" as we embarked mostly on shadow aspects for the months following the original session. But that is much of what this process is. A push and pull between what we perceive as light and what we perceive as dark, and the eventual understanding that is is all one and the same anyway.

We will close on that note,  but provide a few extra credits if you’re feeling up to playing along in this mystery.

a) In the section detailing brainwaves above, we related each back to a tarot card. Reflect on how they may correlate to their associated wave. Another clue is the number 7 which plays a big role in the upcoming things we will be discussing. We know there are 7 brainwaves, that we’ve associated with 7 of the Major Arcana - but what other connections or conclusions can you draw? 

b) Being that it is the Scorpio New Moon (ruled by Pluto), it is the perfect time to go within, engage with your subconscious, and commune with the shadow. Ask yourself: What do I fear about myself? Those around me? The unknown? How do these fears keep me safe? How do they hold me back?

c) If you want to dig deeper into the above, here are a handful of resources that have helped each of us on this journey:

Theory of Positive Disintegration
The Hero with a Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell
Power of Myth docuseries by Joseph Campbell and Bill Moyers (watch online)
What We May Be by Piero Ferrucci
The Hero Within by Carol S Pearson
Gene Keys by Richard Rudd
Self-Coaching by Joseph J Luciaini
Modern Man in Search of a Soul by C.G. Jung
Moving Beyond Depression by Gregory L. Jantz
Shadowwork PDF I created for Pluto Retrograde
Archetypes Oracle by Kim Krans

And do not worry - the identity of Frank is not far from sight - we just have a couple more things to touch on before we can go there.

If you want to continue to follow along and see where this strange story goes, come back on Saturday, November 21st where we’ll share how the messages ramped back up.

Julia & Tim


The Frank Files Entry 4: "Frank"


The Frank Files Entry 2: 417hz