From The Wheel to The World: Exploring the Fixed Signs in Tarot


What do The Star, Death, The Hierophant, and Strength have in common?

Hint 1: The Wheel of Fortune
Hint 2: The World
Hint 3: Astrology!

We know there is emphasis placed in both The Wheel and The World on the 4 fixed signs of the zodiac. They are Aquarius, Scorpio, Taurus and Leo and they can be seen in the 4 corners of each of those cards. Respectively, they are ruled by one of the 4 elements - Air, Water, Earth and Fire, and as well, they represent the 4 tarot cards listed above (The Star, Death, The Hierophant and Strength).

Their prominent replication in two Major Arcana cards insists there is something important to be uncovered by examining these signs and their corresponding tarot cards. At least, that’s the hypothesis we’re working with.

So let’s begin by putting forward some evidence to support this theory, and then we’ll talk about what we might learn about overcoming karma (The Wheel) by adopting the lessons found in those 4 fixed-sign cards. 

In The Wheel, we see the winged creatures and figures reading from books, which leads us to believe that The Wheel is, among other things, about lessons and learning. And furthermore, maybe through the completion of those lessons, we can achieve not just a passing grade, but an upgrade, as witnessed in The World - the other card in the deck to feature those 4 fixed-sign symbols.

If we observe the 4 implied cards that surround The Wheel and The World, maybe we can draw some additional insight or connections.

  • There are peaks visible in 3 of the 4 cards, which is often a sign of overcoming obstacles and attaining certain heights (Star, Death, Strength).

  • In Death, we see nods to The Hierophant and Strength as a pope is visible greeting death, while a woman who bears much resemblance to Strength kneels next to them.

  • The figure in The Star doesn’t appear in Death, but there are a couple of other similarities that may tie them together. The water is one feature. Another is the star directly above the peak which looks like it could be mimicking the sun that is rising between the two towers in Death.

  • The Star and Strength have a lot of really interesting connections which we’ve already explored in-depth on the 78 Connections page. Some of those include their similar posturing, the numerical link (8 and then 1+7 = 8), as well as their ties to Ishtar via the 8 pointed star and the lion.

So, now that we have explored how these cards intersect, the next question is how can we learn their lessons so that we can overcome The Wheel and achieve The World? Let’s explore.

The Star - Ruled by Aquarius, Governed by Air:

The Star is our inner lighthouse. It is a beacon that constantly guides us back to ourselves and encourages us to follow what is true and good.

Speciality: Guides

Lesson: To commit ourselves to always follow what is in our best and highest interest. To go where our true star leads, regardless of external pressures.

Death - Ruled by Scorpio, Governed by Water.

Death is not a beacon, but a harbinger. It ushers in change and transformation, that while startling and painful at times, ultimately leads to rebirth.

Speciality: Transforms

Lesson: To allow the ever-unfolding nature of our lives to flow forward. To make friends with change and see it as a catalyst for good and growth, rather than something to avoid or work against.

The Hierophant - Ruled by Taurus, Governed by Earth.

The Hierophant represents our inner teacher, knowing and voice, which we can tap into at any time through our interior senses. 

Specialty: Listens

Lesson: To trust the interior voice and have faith that everything we need to know can be found within.

Strength - Ruled by Leo, Governed by Fire.

Strength isn’t about using extreme force to overcome the odds. It is about using our pure nature to accept all aspects of ourselves, even the suppressed parts, as a way to peace.

Speciality: Overcomes

Lesson: To accept and integrate all levels of our individual consciousness and base instincts in an effort to overcome what challenges us.

In summary, the 4 keys to unlocking The Wheel, may come down to the following high-level lessons:

-Following our own guidance system (The Star)
-Allowing change and transformation to occur as needed (Death)
-Having faith that all answers can be found within (The Hierophant)
-Making friends with and learning to integrate all levels of consciousness within us (Strength)

It’s also interesting to explore the way the cards can work together and balance one another. For example, The Star can give us the hope we need to see us through difficult change, represented by Death. While The Hierophant, via our inner voice, can moderate conversations between different aspects of ourselves, even the tricky parts like the shadow or subconscious. In the same way, The Star can help inspire The Hierophant to allow our true intuition to flourish. And Death can help us not just integrate, but transform even our most suppressed parts, in an effort to evolve.

Now using this framework, we developed a spread that we hope can help seekers identify their own unique lessons to learn at this time. See below

From The Wheel to The World

Purpose: To unpack karmic patterns or identify key lessons available at this time.


  1. Remove the following cards from your deck and place them down in front of you like the picture below. The Wheel of Fortune, The World, The Star, Death, The Hierophant, Strength. This is both to serve as an anchor as well as to set the intention for the reading.

  2. Isolate all of the Minor Arcana cards (including the courts). We will only be using this part of the deck to do the reading as they are meant to highlight practical approaches to each of the lessons.

  3. Shuffle the Minor Arcana cards and place them down in the order cited below.


1. Star: Where is my guiding light pointing to at this time?
2. Death: What am I being called to change or transform?
3. Hierophant: What is my inner voice trying to communicate at this time?
4. Strength: What am I being called to overcome within myself?

Ultimately, each and every trump in Tarot is a lesson and an initiation, and there are a million different ways to approach that - various paths, canals, portals, etc. As we work with and observe the interplay or connection between each card, we will awaken to whatever doorway is ready to open to us at that time. This exploration of the fixed signs is just one of many ways of saying the same thing - and answering the same question: What can Tarot teach me today to help me better understand myself, others, and the nature of reality?

Happy explorations,

Julia & Tim


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