Reading In The Flow: Subtle Influences - Time & Direction

I’m adding to my existing “Reading In The Flow” series to include what I consider to be other subtle influences potentially impacting a card’s meaning. In the Cards in Combination portion of the series, we’ve been reading cards in tandem to come up with possible interpretations. Here, I’ll be covering connecting themes in the deck to provide additional layers through which to view your draws. Today, we’ll be observing the relationship between time and direction. Central figures in the cards can provide many clues as to the card’s underlying influence, just by observing the way in which they face. While this isn’t conclusive, or totally comprehensive, one easy way to understand this influence is to think about things along the lines of time tenses. There are other ways to contemplate directions, but for the purpose of this post we’re going to keep it simple and focused just on the following - past, present and future.

It may help to go through your deck (I’m specifically working with and referencing the Rider Waite Smith for this post) and begin by separating the obvious ones out. You can place the ones which feature a figure clearly facing left in one pile, a figure clearing looking straight on in another pile, and a figure clearing facing right in a third pile. There are some cards which will be more ambiguous (5 of Wands, 6 of Pentacles, 3 of Cups etc.) and for those, you can just set them aside for later discussion. For now, let’s focus on just three possibilities and see what we may discover.

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learning Julia Eve learning Julia Eve

Learning Tarot: Beyond The Books

I have written a bit on tips and tricks to learning the tarot, but I’ve been having so much discussion around the idea of other aspects of life influencing our ability to read the cards well, so I wanted to add to those posts.

It is my perspective that our spiritual growth moves in tandem with our development in all other areas of life. I also believe that tarot is a tool that works through us as much as we work with it. This is why, for as many books as we read or people we consult, we can only go as far as our inner guide is able to take us.

For example, I can learn what the cards mean, but I also recognize that there is much more happening in these scenes than just the basic definitions that we find floating around. To see how the cards play off each other, to grasp the symbolic and visual significance, to be confident in your intuition to know which bits are relevant…well, that’s more an art that evolves over time.

With that in mind, I wanted to present a few ideas with the following concept in mind: It is one thing to read a definition and it is another to have lived it. In this way, I am placing emphasis on integration over memorization (though both are important) and Inner Guide over “must-do” advice.

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Personal Julia Eve Personal Julia Eve

Reflecting On My Reading Style

I had a wonderful exchange with a client/peer recently about readings styles. It occurred to me in that exchange that I don’t really explain my process and I’ve maybe never clearly communicated how my way of doing things may differ from others.

This is no criticism, just an observation that I made of myself following an exchange. And specifically, I’m referring to my tendency to not explain what a card technically means. When I’m reading, I take all that in, but then transform it quickly into the message, and I don’t really bother to explain how that’s informed. I don’t plan on changing this because it’s just the way I read, but it got me thinking that it might be helpful to include more about my style on my Services page.

Anyway with that being poorly said, I have added a handful of bullet points to my services to highlight what I just discussed. I hope that helps to make me feel more real.


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learning, Tips & Techniques Julia Eve learning, Tips & Techniques Julia Eve

20 Questions About Love

To honour Valentine’s Day, I’ve put together a list of questions you can ask about love when consulting the cards. I framed these with the intention of getting the best insight possible, meaning, I stayed away from closed- ended questions and any invasion of privacy i.e. “what does he think about me?”

I’ve sorted them into “partnered” and “singled” though some options I included in both categories because they would equally apply. You could tackle just the ones that stand out, or even construct a spread! Of course, if you’re looking for some support in these matters, you may want to order a reading. I’m offering 20% off all love themed questions for the next week. Just use code “love” at checkout! And yes, self-love inquiries apply!

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Just For Fun Julia Eve Just For Fun Julia Eve

A Holiday Gift Guide for Mystics and Seekers

Welcome to my first ever (but hopefully now annual) Holiday Gift Guide for mystics, seekers and lovers of all things metaphysical! In this post, I’ve going to share with you some incredible, unique, beautiful and affordable offerings from around the web and throughout the globe. I know it’s still pretty early, but the holidays do tend to sneak up on us every year. And now that Halloween is officially wrapped, it’s time to start shifting gears.

I want to waste no time, so let’s get to it. Some of the features in this list are very specific products, some are links to full stores or an artist’s larger body of work, but all are pure magick. Please enjoy the selection below which focuses specifically on small business as opposed to big box - hopefully it will inspire you for the upcoming holiday season!

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learning, Tips & Techniques Julia Eve learning, Tips & Techniques Julia Eve

Delivering A Memorable Email Reading Pt. 3 - Sustaining Your Practice

This is part three of the Delivering A Memorable Email Reading series. You can also go back and read Part One and Part Two if you wish. In the first installment, we focused on tools and techniques to ensure your clients get the most of the reading. In the second installment, we turned the tables to examine practices that will help you get the most of your services as a reader. Today, we'll be talking about ways to sustain your practice and ensure you're maximizing your time and energy. This is critical to examine because if you're not being mindful of your own reserves, your product and ability to deliver will inevitably suffer.

Similar to the advice in Part 2, I learned a lot of this through trial and error. For this reason, I am hopeful I can condense what took me years to sort through in such a way that we can shorten your learning curve and give you some food for thought.

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Events Julia Eve Events Julia Eve

Upcoming Event - Magical Holiday Market

Hey Friends,

Just an FYI to let you know that I'll be slinging cards at the next Moonlit Path event - Magical Holiday Market. It's located at Women on the Move at 2111 Dundas Street West in Toronto, so if you're in the area (or not) and want a reading, swing on by! It's free admission and I'll be there 1-5 offering 15 minute reads for just $20. There will be loads of other readers, practitioners and vendors on site - see flyer below for more details! Oh, and if you want to reserve a 15 minute slot with me before hand, get in touch and I'll pencil you in.

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Tarot Spread Julia Eve Tarot Spread Julia Eve

Tarot Spread: Past, Present, Future, Focus

I haven't shared a tarot spread in a long while so I thought I'd put focus today on my 5-card go-to. I call this spread Past, Present Future, Focus and it's incredibly versatile because you can use it in cases where there is a question, but also in cases where there is not; the general "tell me anythings".

As a reader, one of my stumbling blocks can be quickly crafting something to perfectly suit the situation when I'm with a person live. With this spread though, it's as if I always have something in my back pocket that I know will apply to just about any inquiry.

Below is an image of the card placements and following that I will describe in more detail what each spot represents.

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learning, Tips & Techniques, General Julia Eve learning, Tips & Techniques, General Julia Eve

How Does Tarot Work? I Don't Know, But Here Are 5 Theories!

Maybe you've been reading the cards awhile or perhaps you just started - whatever the case, you’ve probably thought to yourself at some point, “how exactly do these things work? or “why do they work?”

The truth is, no one can tell you for certain, but, it’s fun to play with theories. Below I’ve shared 5 ideas that may explain how or why tarot works. In terms of my own belief system, I don’t think one idea is more true than any other and I tend to think they all play a role and factor in.

These theories may ring true for you or you may have your own ideas which are just as valid (I’d also love to hear them, so please leave a comment if you’re up to sharing). 

As for my totally inconclusive list of reasons why tarot works, here it is!

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General Julia Eve General Julia Eve

5 Really Good Reasons To Get A Tarot Reading

Obviously no one *needs* a tarot reading, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't get one anyway. We don't need lots of things, but there are still ways in which we will benefit immensely from certain "non-essentials". Ways that promote personal growth, provide clarity and give guidance at any juncture. I'm definitely not of the mindset that you need to check in with tarot for every curious little thought that crosses your mind, but here are 5 really good reasons for consulting a reader if you want to get the most of this powerful tool.

Post Edit: I came back and revised this to add a bonus 6th really REALLY good reason. Check it out after the cut!

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General, Events Julia Eve General, Events Julia Eve

Upcoming Event: Seekers Market

Hey Friends,

Just a quickie to let you know I'll be at the Seeker's Market in Kleinburg, Ontario this Saturday giving 15 minute readings for $20 a pop. You have your choice of a mini spirit guide sesh or a regular ask anything/general tarot reading. It's running 1-4pm so if you're in the area, stop on by! There will be other readers, metaphysical practitioners and creatives doing their thing so it's sure to be a fun-filled and mystical day.

Check out more on the event's Facebook page or Instagram!

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General, Personal Julia Eve General, Personal Julia Eve

Why I No Longer Price My Readings Based On Card Count

When I began charging for readings, I structured my offerings by basing the cost of the reading on the number of cards expected to be drawn. I rolled this way for many many months until I began to meet some resistance and frustration over the process. What if I wanted to draw more cards? What if it turns out, I had the answer in just a couple cards? What if half of the input came straight from spirit and the cards were more supplementary? For my style of reading, the whole process was just too restrictive and unnatural and that's not fair - not for my clients and not for me.

It occurred to me then that this structure was no longer working. My readings needed to be priced based on type and my experience with those types, which helped inform what the price point should be. Why does this structure work better for me and my clients? Let me provide you some rationale!

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Deck Impressions Julia Eve Deck Impressions Julia Eve

Discovering The Lost Tarot - A Preview + Mini Reading

It never ceases to amaze me the projects that pop up on Kickstarter, and it seems that this really is the go to method to get an indie deck published these days. I can certainly see the appeal of wanting to test a market before putting something to print. In addition, raising extra money in theory will help you up the quality and features of said product, so that's a nice added bonus for the campaigns that get that far. 

The Lost Tarot is another such deck that's hit my radar and that really instantly appealed to my sense of aesthetics. It is both rich in design and story and appears to leave no detail unturned. To give you an idea, after the cut is the image of the world and the card backs which I absolutely love - look at that gold!

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Predicting Probability with Tarot (Yes, No, Maybe So)

For many tarot practitioners, we understand the value in a well constructed question. In fact, if a question isn't clear enough, I'll reach out to my client to rework it so it's more succinct. The philosophy states, the better the question, the better the answer, and so many a great readings start with a well thought out and fully formed question.

But what about those times when you just want a straight forward, yes or no response!? Damn it tarot, I just want to know if I'm gonna get that job or not!

Okay, here's the thing. There is something inherently problematic about a closed ended question where Tarot is concerned, and that's that it doesn't allow any room for grey. I am a firm believer in free will, but I also understand energy and trajectory, so while I think it's possible that Tarot can show us the "likelys", the future isn't set in stone, and so there must always be room for the "maybe". Even if the answer is "yes", it's always a "yes" with a caveat. So, how can you determine probability using tarot? Well, keep reading and I'll show you!

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