Musickal Meditations - Channeling Death


For the entirety of 2022, Death has been a major theme for us. Not only does it continually come up in readings, we’ve also both experienced some major shifts in life this year, providing more evidence of this force in motion. Because it’s been such a thing for us, we’ve been a bit slower with this write up. Turns out though, divine timing wins again as we’re now less than a week away from Scorpio season (associated with Death), so it’s all worked out.

So, we hope this track serves you and on a personal note, we’re hoping it also helps us to properly assimilate these energies and the messages they have for us.

As with all meditations, you may opt to simply enjoy the music on its own, or work with some of the suggestions provided to perform a fuller ritual. We do hope you enjoy the sounds! We will be updating the YouTube page regularly as we add more tracks as well as storing all links on a separate page of this site, so they are easy to find! Keep reading to learn more about connecting with Death!

Meditation Package - Death in G Natural


Background: The purpose of these meditations is to allow you space to connect with the 22 Major Arcana, which are, in many ways, separated aspects of ourselves. Each element of this project has been carefully considered, from the note selection to the length of the track to the written piece which accompanies it. The intention is to supply the user of the track with the musical essence of the Major Arcana in question to help them get in touch with their own inner archetype of that nature. We envision that one may use this as part of a regular meditative practice, to open up a card reading session, before or during ritual, or as a way to simply connect more with their deck.

Description for Death: Death is a force as natural as birth. While we tend to fear it for its apparent finality, what we also need to recognize is that nothing ever truly ends - it only transforms and becomes again. To make friends with this energy, consider the daily deaths that occur whether we're aware of them or not - our cells, the passing moments, the things we feel etc. Death isn't a lifeless conclusion, it is movement and motion like everything else. Like life, death is a gift, and the only thing that prevents us from seeing this, is fear. Even when it feels like things have shifted for “the worse”, Death is a reminder that evolution can be found in the most unlikely places.

Before listening to the meditation music, you may opt to create a ritual-like space using some of the suggestions below. Of course, these are just ideas - feel free to adapt to your liking!

Day of The Week: Tuesday
Candle: Red, Black
Incense: Dragon's Blood
Oil: Basil, Black Pepper, Ginger/Galangal, Pine
Plants: Asafoetida, Damiana, Nettle, Pennyroyal, Tobacco
Crystals: Asbestos, Bloodstone, Garnet, Hypersthene, Lava Stone, Onyx, Red Jasper, Ruby
Archangel: Barkhiel

The following correspondences are of a Kabbalistic nature. We have included them as a way for the practitioner to connect with the card in different ways. You can read more about this form of exploration via our blog post: Musick, Tarot & The Tree of Life.

Path: 24th Path
Yetziratic Title: The Imaginative Intelligence
Connecting Sephiroth: Tiphareth to Netzach
Action: Sun acting on Venus through Scorpio
Colour (Queen Scale): Dull Brown
Hebrew Letter: נ, Nun, N (noon)
Letter Name: Fish
Letter Value: 50

Reflect on the following passage below, designed to further set the stage before you begin.

Behold a pale horse,
Whose rider is Death
— & Death is I;

But what is Death
To thee, O Fish, who
Swimmeth deep within
The Waters of Life?

As each note fadeth
Into silence amidst
The Grand Orchestra,
So doth the next arise
From its stillness —

& so too doth thee.

Cling not to thy fruits,
For they are but vessels
For the seeds of Tomorrow;

Hold instead to thy Faith
Over Grievance & Sorrow,

For, verily, I say unto thee,

Imagination is the Key
By which the Veil is rent,
So that thou might taste
The Beauty of Victory.


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