Using Tarot To Cut Ties


With Scorpio season quickly approaching, we are reminded of the importance of life, death and letting things come to pass. Associated with the tarot card Death, Scorpio alludes to transience; the need to make space for things to end, transform and move from one state to the next. We give the seasons this grace each year, and so it’s equally as important in our own life that we honour the cycles, and make peace with this powerful force.

Death, change and transformation can be scary, which is why we often see the Death card depicted so bleakly. But, it’s also natural. In fact, when we try to evade death’s inevitability, we often find out how futile it is to cling to something past expiry. In other words, we can't escape the pain of goodbyes by holding on for too long. Everything has a consequence, after all.

In tarot, there are many cards that explicitly speak to endings (other than Death). When these cards come up in a reading, they can be indicators that something has grown stale and needs to shift. But, we can also use tarot as a way to invite these deaths when we know something has worn out its welcome, especially if we’re having trouble navigating the process. Whether it's a harmful influence, relationship, mentality, cycle or situation - there are things in our lives that sometimes need to come to a close, and tarot can help us make that cut.

Before we get into how to work with the cards intentionally in this way, let's first establish which cards in Tarot speak to cutting cords, making change or severing ties. I’ve selected cards from different decks; ones that I feel visually embody this change energy to the fullest.

Ace of Swords

The sword is what, if not a symbol for making swift and sure cuts. It speaks to discernment, discrimination, precision and clarity. If I was cutting a cord, whether it be literal or metaphorical, this Ace would be my tool of choice.

Featured Card: Ace of Swords from the Zombie Tarot

the tower cosmic tarot

The Tower

Okay, so this one is a bit more dramatic. I may not suggest purposely invoking a tower experience (although I've done it once myself - with lightning water!) however, if you're at the end of your rope and just need something big to fall, this could be a useful archetype to call upon.

Featured Card: The Tower from the Cosmic Tarot

8 of cups art of life tarot

8 of Cups

The 8 of Cups is a bit melancholy, but it still embodies the energy of change. Rather than the cut being thrust upon us though, it's us mustering up the willpower to see those steps through. I feel like this card is also a great ally in helping one see how that thing they’re walking away from, wasn’t all it was cracked out to be. The 8 of Cups says "even if I don't know where I'm going, and even if it's a struggle to get there, I'm so sick of this shit I'm willing to take the risk!".

Featured Card: 8 of Cups from the Art of Life Tarot

10 of Swords

If this card could be titled one thing, it might be titled "this is the end". Whether you pull the 10 of of Swords in a reading, or use it intentionally, I feel like it's saying "I am done with this battle - I have no fight left in me - so let it be". It's like a big sigh of relief in a lot of ways. Dead or resting, this guy is over it.

Featured Card: 10 of Swords from the Centennial borderless edition of the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot

6 of swords fountain tarot

6 of Swords

Similar to the 8 of Cups, the 6 of Swords feels a little sad. I actually think, though, that it's the perfect sentiment to bring into a cord cutting ritual because it depicts someone travelling from rough waters to calm, with an aid on hand to support that process. The way the Fountain Tarot depicts it, really emphasizes the healing and replenishing nature of the card. I also love that we can see only their backs - like the past is but a memory. I’ve personally used this card a number of times in tie cutting situations, always with positive results.

Featured Card: 6 of Swords from the Fountain Tarot

death pagan otherworlds tarot


And of course, Death. The ultimate symbol of change and transformation. Big or small, these shifts happen all around us, all the time. When we pull Death, we know something is stirring, but when we summon it, we're asking for something to give and declaring our readiness.

Featured Card: Death from the Pagan Otherworlds Tarot

So, now that we know the cards that symbolize change, how can we actually work with them to initiate that change or sever those ties? For that purpose, I’ve outlined a simple ritual, using tarot, below.

Step 1: Set The Intent

It all comes down to the powerful first step of just setting the intention (and really feeling it too, of course). In this way, we can acknowledge to the universe and ourselves that we know what we want, even if we don't know all the steps to achieving it. At this threshold, we are welcoming in opportunities to move us along in the most helpful and productive way possible for everyone involved. Here are some sample intentions one might set for this sort of ritual.

  • Create a boundary to lesson the impact of the energy surrounding the person or situation.

  • Protect your energetic integrity and wellbeing.

  • Create an energetic climate conducive to the best outcome for all parties involved.

  • Healing and space.

Step 2: Select A Card

Next, select a card that embodies the thing you want to move away from or cut ties with. If you can’t quite summarize it with a card, you could always select the 8 of Swords as a symbol of general stuckness.

Step 3: Lay Out The cards

With your card selected, lay it down in front of you and then find the Ace of Swords and the 6 of Swords and lay those down to the right of your first card. It should look something like what I have below. The Ace of Swords is in the centre to symbolize the tool making the cut. I’ve chosen it as it represents precision, clarity and wisdom. This isn’t about crudely axing something we don’t like. This is about moving on from something in a way that serves the best interest of all. The 6 of Swords is used to symbolize a gentle detour toward the future and away from the thing you’re severing ties with. You could select something more specific for this third card, but we like the 6 because it implies that the future is open to possibility, and the focus right now is on a peaceful departure. This way, you don’t need to worry about all the details.

8 of swords, ace of swords, 6 of swords

Step 4: Meditate & Reflect

Once you have your layout, arranged as you like, spend a few moments in meditation, reflecting on your intention and the cards you’ve selected. You could always bring in calming music, a soothing scent or even some crystals to amp up the energy. Anything to help you really feel what you’re asking for. Remember, it’s not so much what you do, it’s why you do it and how it makes you feel. This is important in ritual and why correspondences can only get us so far.

p.s. we have Tarot Meditations available on YouTube. I might recommend The Lovers, The Chariot or Death for this purpose.

And that’s it, really! Your wish has been sent off to the Gods and all you need to do is continue to hold your intent and look for evidence of its effect in motion. You could, if you like, leave the set up out for a few days, take a picture to return to as needed, or simply put them away and forget it. That part is up to you, depending on what you feel is best and what is practically feasible.

I hope this exercise serves you well and I wish you a transformative Scorpio season (and beyond!)


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