The Minor Arcana represents the lesser influences in one’s life, commonly what we would refer to as the day-to-day happenings. The Cups represent the element Water and therefore, speak of matters relating to emotions, feelings, intuition, the subconscious, and relationships. These are our emotional and connective manifestations.

Some of the attributions applied are personal references. I have included in an effort to expand the meanings of the cards as well as to provide ideas for ritual/magickal workings.

Cups represent the element Water and the direction West. They rule over matters of the heart such as emotions, relationships, intuitions and empathy.

Major ArcanaPentaclesSwordsWandsCups


ACE OF cups

Keywords: Rejuvenation, Compassion, Relationships, Joy, Fertility, Healing.

Tao Te Ching: Verse 78

Fresh water springs from a chalice, symbolic of the rejuvenating energy of water when we allow it to flow freely and circulate widely. The Ace of Cups often points to fresh starts, especially where connections, relationships and friendships are concerned. Like other Aces, a hand emerges seemingly from the sky to offer our seeker a gift. In this case it is more aligned to emotional abundance than monetary, and a period where true gratitude may be experienced. Furthermore, the dove represents love as it dips its life-giving bread into the waters, a merging of consciousness and subconsciousness, or natural and supernatural forces.

Divinatory Possibilities: New or renewed relationship, a birth, blossoming friendship, emotional rejuvenation, a blessing.

Consider also: The nature of the water in the Ace in contrast to other bodies of water in tarot i.e. 2 of Pentacles or 6 of Swords.


2 OF cups

Keywords: Soulmates, connections, alchemy, duality, partnership.

Tao Te Ching: Verse 42

The 2 of Cups speaks to the coming together of forces. This may be in any area of life, but as it is a Cups card, it is often symbolic of a significant partnership. Some see this as a sign of true love or even soul mate connections. The couple pictured are on even group, facing each other and acting in a reciprocal fashion. This would indicate that the union here is a balanced one. Alchemically, this card speaks to the blending of opposites to merge us closer to oneness.

Divinatory Possibilities: Soul mates coming together, a balanced partnership, the merging of two forces to create something greater.

Consider also: The use of the Caduceus of Hermes and what that may add in terms of further alchemical implications of this card.

Read More: Cards in Combination: Hierophant, High Priestess, 2 of Cups

Cards in Combination: Emperor, 8 of Cups, 2 of Cups


3 OF cups

Keywords: Friendship, Fun, Celebration, Joy, Groups, Socializing.

Tao Te Ching: Verse 80

The 3 of Cups is one of celebration, get- togethers, socialization and being in good company. Of course, not all units are healthy or functioning ones, so while the mood here is often upbeat, also look to surrounding cards to see if there may be other factors at play. When this card shows up, it may be a sign that friendship groups may be an important aspect of the seeker’s life. It may also signal to upcoming celebrations i.e. weddings, birthdays, reunions etc. Mostly, it is an examination of our social circles and the role they play in our lives.

Divinatory Possibilities: Situations involving friendships or social circles, a party or celebration, fun times ahead.

Consider also: Additional symbolic/spiritual references for the number three i.e. the holy trinity, triangle or the triple goddess.


4 OF cups

Keywords: Despondence, Boredom, Apathy, Depression, Refusal.

Tao Te Ching: Verse 5

Sometimes in life we have a difficult time seeing the blessings in front of us. Even when opportunities are offered, we can become disillusioned or so caught up in our negative feelings that we fail to recognize the gift. The posturing here is very closed, with our figure’s head down and unable to see or appreciate what is surrounding them. This card speaks to attitude. You can have everything in the world, but if you aren’t feeling good, what would it matter? Perhaps a shift in perspective is required, or a focus on the good that is. Of course, the 4 of Cups may also be an indication that there is something in life that just isn’t lighting you up anymore and this needs to be explored more thoroughly.

Divinatory Possibilities: Boredom, apathy, a change in attitude, missing out on a good opportunity, needing to shift focus.

Consider also: The similarities between the extended arm in this key and the one in the Ace of Cups.

Read More: Challenging The 4 Of Cups: Pessimistic or Present?


5 OF cups

Keywords: Grief, Regret, Sadness, Loneliness, Loss.

Tao Te Ching: Verse 13

Similar to the 4 of Cups, we see someone who appears to be in a state of lament. The difference is the placement of the cups. In this scene we have 3 turned over in the front with two upright in the back. The focus in this case is on what’s gone wrong rather than what remains. This card may signify a period of grief, loss or regret. How long one stays in this state is difficult to tell, but the key to coming out of it may be remembering what one still has to live for and look forward to.

Divinatory Possibilities: Upcoming disappointment, focus on past regret or loss, a need to shift one’s view or attitude.

Consider also: The body language of the individual in this card and what it may indicate about what they are feeling.

Read More: Cards in Combination: 7 of Swords, 5 of Cups, Hierophant


6 OF cups

Keywords: Peace, Kindness, Nostalgia, Childhood, Youth, Innocence, Gifts.

Tao Te Ching: Verse 49

The 6 of Cups demonstrates 2 young children sharing a bouquet of flowers. This a gesture of giving that is done with sincerity, not an agenda or strings attached. The 6 of Cups may also herald back to childhood memories (good or challenging) and a feeling of nostalgia. When this key comes up, consider your links to the past, how youth plays a role in your life currently and what generosity truly means.

Divinatory Possibilities: A visit from the past, nostalgia, memories coming back to the surface, a genuine exchange or interaction.

Consider also: The white flowers depicted in this card and their meaning as well, as where else in the tarot deck flowers show up.


7 OF cups

Keywords: Fantasy, Illusion, Confusion, Overwhelm, Options, Obsession, Artificiality, Imagination.

Tao Te Ching: Verse 4

Many options or an array of ideas may be a positive thing, or it may just lead one to confusion. The 7 of Cups, like its meaning implies, may not speak clearest. Imagination can be an incredible tool that allows us to manifest our dreams, or it could be a form of escape. Only we can decide where these flights of fancy will take us and how they will be put to use. Consider whether the options before you provide inspiration or overwhelm. How you’re feeling about the wealth of possibilities is likely a good indication as to what this key means to you. The 7 of Cups may also indicate that we are, in a delusional way, clinging to that which excites our senses, even to the detriment of ourselves. This could take the form of addiction, toxic relationships etc.

Divinatory Possibilities: Many ideas or possibilities to consider, a tendency to get lost in fantasy, leaning on stories rather than facts, an overactive imagination, an obsession.

Consider also: The visions coming forth from the chalices. Is there one that stands out more than others? What might that mean in the interpretation of this key?


8 OF cups

Keywords: Withdrawal, Movement, Journey, Endings.

Tao Te Ching: Verse 64

The 8 of Cups, like other cards in the tarot deck, is one of transition. In this key though, we have only ourselves to propel us on our journey. In the foreground are 8 cups, but whether they are full, and with what they are full of, remains unknown. Our journeyer is moving away from them though so it stands to reason that their contents have literally or metaphorically run dry. If there is something in the seeker’s life that is no longer giving, it may be time to move on. The seeker will need to make those steps on their own accord though, guided by their own will, with no promise of what lies ahead. The eclipse in the sky is a good indication though that wherever they are headed to, transformation awaits.

Divinatory Possibilities: A situation that has run its course, the need to go another way, the beginning of a difficult journey, change.

Consider also: The difference in energy in this card compared to the other big change cards in the deck i.e. Death or The Tower.

Read more: In-Depth With the 8 of Cups

Cards in Combination: Emperor, 8 of Cups, 2 of Cups


9 OF cups

Keywords: Indulgence, Wishes, Happiness, Abundance, Reward, Pleasure.

Tao Te Ching: Verse 9

The 9 of Cups is often referred to as the wish card and that makes receiving it a pretty positive omen. It may be a good sign that success awaits or something that the seeker has been hoping for will come to fruition. It may also signify indulgence or over-indulgence depending on the circumstances. Even though the message is a mostly a positive one, balance is still key.

Divinatory Possibilities: A party, good times ahead, pleasurable activities to look forward to, indulgence, a wish come true.

Consider also: The posture and body language or the individual featured and what they may be saying about how they feel or what the card means.


10 OF cups

Keywords: Success, Joy, Optimism, Family, Relationships, Harmony, Blessings.

Tao Te Ching: Verse 54

10s often signify completion of some variety and in the 10 of Cups, we see an idyllic scene playing out indicative of success. This success though is the emotional kind, often seen in matters relating to families and relationships. There is much to look forward to when the 10 of Cups shows up, and feeling good is one of those things. This is a time to reap the rewards of the effort you’ve put into your connections and bask in the blessings that have been earned.

Divinatory Possibilities: Marriage, a happy ending, a blessing where relationships are concerned, a pregnancy, joy on the home-front.

Consider also: The use of a rainbow in the depiction of this card and what they may lend to its overall meaning.

Court cards may represent ourselves or the people in our lives. They may also symbolize various attributes that are important for us to understand/assimilate or take account of. Court cards do not inherently represent any particular gender or age range. Throughout the trajectory of our lives, we will at many times be Queens, Pages, Knight or Kings. We should be flexible in how we approach their attributes because they represent our personality (transient ways of being), not our core essence.


PAGE OF cups

Illuminated Attributes: Creative, Gentle, Intuitive, Sensitive.

Shadow Attributes: Immature, Flighty, Detached.

Tao Te Ching: Verse 76
Element: Water/Earth
Myers Briggs: ISFP

The Page of Cups is gentle, creative and intuitive. They may represent a younger person or a youthful aspect. The Page of Cups may be visible when we are engaged in something artistic or abstract. They are less inclined to linear thinking, as they are more fluid and creative in their approach.



Illuminated Attributes: Romantic, Idealistic, Charming, Artistic.

Shadow Attributes: Moody, Unrealistic, Disillusioned.

Tao Te Ching: Verse 12
Element: Water/Fire
Myers Briggs: INFP

The Knight of Cups ventures only into quests that align with their heart. They hold their grail and set sights on whatever it is that lights them up, especially as it relates to emotional pursuits. This Knight is charming and idealistic. They are not as quick moving as the Knight of Swords, but not at a standstill as the Knight of Pentacles. This Knight moves at a comfortable pace, keeping an eye on the prize and balancing between the two extremes.



Illuminated Attributes: Intuitive, Compassionate, Graceful, Empathic, Supportive.

Shadow Attributes: Co-dependent, Manipulative, Ungrounded.

Tao Te Ching: Verse 79
Element: Water/Water
Myers Briggs: INFJ

The Queen of Cups is compassionate and intuitive. They are emotionally and spiritually mature and have a way of emanating warmth and empathy to those who grace their presence. This Queen takes their thrown on sand, surrounded by waves that ripple slightly. This may indicate a balance between Water and Earth, and command over multiple elements. The rippling water is further indication of such balance as it is not rolling like waves out of control, nor stopped completely. For this Queen to function at their best, they require a fresh water source, but also the ability to ground their energy into something tangible.


KING OF cups

Illuminated Attributes: Mature, Kind, Giving, Balanced, Wise, Warm.

Shadow Attributes: Manipulative, Misleading, Emotionless.

Tao Te Ching: Verse 15
Element: Water/Air
Myers Briggs: ENFJ

The King of Cups is a wonderful balance of soft and strong. The Water element is considered feminine while the King masculine and so that blending is an important aspect of their character. Also note the King’s ability to sit firmly while water crashes around them. In this way, the King does not get swept up in the current of their emotions or those of others. The King has a high emotional IQ and would make an excellent counsellor or confident. In seeking support from this King, you know you’d be getting advice that nurtured the body, mind and heart.