The Major Arcana cards represent the greater aspects of life - spirituality, consciousness, the nature of reality, the hero’s journey etc. Each archetype could also be linked to be a distinct aspect of the self seeking integration and expression. The imagery of each card is quite intentional, and has been designed to speak directly to your sub and super consciousness. Let this reference be a guide, but also be empowered by your own intuitive knowing.

Explicit reversal meanings have not been included. Our recommendation would be to bear in mind that every card has both illuminated and shadowy aspects. Understanding the primary energy behind a card, will help you intuit how it can be seen through either lens. For example, The Fool can be both someone ready to begin an exciting journey, or someone leaping before they’ve looked carefully enough.

Looking for how to read cards in combination? We have a whole blog dedicated to card combos!

Major ArcanaPentaclesSwordsWandsCups


0 - Fool

Potential, Hope, Adventure, Innocence, Void, Spaciousness,
Nothing, Everything, Journeys, Beginnings.

Tao Te Ching: Verse 55
Natural Principle: Mentalism (all is mind)
Chord: E Natural
Hebrew Letter-Word: Aleph (ox)
Colour: Yellow
Element: Air
Mundane Manifestation: Ace of Wands

The Fool is labeled 0 as it falls both outside and within the rest of the deck. The shape of zero can tell us a lot about what The Fool represents, which is limitless potential. Think of a blank canvas, a bare room, or an empty cup. This is a state that comes “before” that which is, and so it has no definition on its own. You can look at The Fool like the theory of Schrödinger’s Cat. It is in essence all things at once until we observe what is there and then name it. In this way, The Fool represents a state of hope and potential. It is void of expectation and simply excited to see what will come next. It is the kind of energy that may signal the beginning of a journey.

Read More: Under The Microscope With The Fool


1 - Magician

Will, Individuality, Skill, Innovation, Inspiration, Attention, Concentration, Focus.

Tao Te Ching: Verse 16
Natural Principle: Correspondence (As Above; So Below)
Chord: E Natural
Hebrew Letter-Word: Beth (house)
Colour: Yellow
Element: Air
Mundane Manifestation: 8 of Pentacles

The Magician may be thought of as many different things; a conductor, alchemist, chemist, wizard, healer, etc. The Magician is a master of the elements and uses these in perfect combinations and arrangements to manifest their will. The proper command of energy requires a degree of skill and knowledge though, and part of this is in knowing what is truly desired vs. what is superficially wanted. You will know you are harnessing the energy available in the most effective way when it is, in a sense, inspired. For this reason, The Magician requires not brute force, but rather pure imagination to make things so.

Read More: Magician Meditation Musick


2 - High Priestess

Intuition, Duality, Subconsciousness, Receptivity, Mystery, Secrets, Records.

Tao Te Ching: Verse 43
Sense/Ability: Memory (Access to cosmic records [collective unconcious] or personal bank of records [subconcious])
Chord: G Sharp
Hebrew Letter-Word: Gimel (camel)
Colour: Blue
Element: Water
Mundane Manifestation: 2 of Swords

The High Priestess is a guardian to the mysterious records. She represents subconsciousness, intuition, the arcane and occult. The High Priestess understands that which drives our impulses, recognizing the true root of all things. While she may signify that which is hidden, it is also important to note that much of what is obscured to us is due to our own inability to know where or how to look. The High Priestess also symbolizes duality, characterized by the number 2. She sits in-between opposites, learning to discern that from this, and through keen observation, falls wisely in the centre.

Read More: The High Priestess & Justice: 2 Sides of the Same Coin

Exploring The Tarot Pillars: Entrance to The High Priestess

Cards in Combination: Hierophant, High Priestess, 2 of Cups

78 Connections (combines Hierophant w/ High Priestess)

High Priestess Meditation Musick


3 - Empress

Abundance, Birth, Creativity, Expression, Nature, Beauty, Art, Life, Imagery, Imagination.

Tao Te Ching: Verse 51
Chord: F Sharp
Hebrew Letter-Word: Dalath (door)
Colour: Green
Element: Earth
Mundane Manifestation: 9 of Pentacles

The Empress can be regarded as an aspect of ourselves that manifests when we live in creative flow. They are a symbol of life within, expressing itself out. This force is demonstrated visually by the natural landscape of the card, which is both beautiful and abundant. Within all of us is a landscape just as lush waiting to be born. This is why The Empress is known as the mother; for their ability to bare forth their creations, both literally and figuratively.

Read More: Empress Meditation Musick


4 - Emperor

Reason, Authority,
Foundation, Stability, Structure, Organization, Order, Form, Security, Rules, Leadership, Restriction.

Tao Te Ching: Verse 58
Sepher Yetzirah: Sight (clear seeing)
Chord: C Natural
Hebrew Letter-Word: Heh (window)
Colour: Red
Element: Fire
Mundane Manifestation: 3 of Wands

The Emperor represents form, system, stability, and foundation. Consider the way the number 4, assigned to this key, expresses itself: The 4 seasons, 4 cardinal directions, 4 elements etc. Not to mention the shape the number 4 creates, a square or rectangle, which is a symbol for solidity. In this sense, The Emperor is a ruler over form and oversees their dominion with an air of competence, consistency and authority. The Emperor may also be regarded as a leader (or if acting from a negative disposition, a dictator). The Emperor oversees and may employ rules to do this, but it is the careful application of these rules, which result in either benevolence or malevolence.

Read More: 2020 Reflections With The Emperor

Cards in Combination: Emperor, 8 of Cups, 2 of Cups

Emperor Meditation Musick


5 - Hierophant

Doctrine, Guide, Teacher, Tradition, Knowledge, Wisdom, Inner Hearing.

Tao Te Ching: Verse 14
Sepher Yetzirah: Hearing (related to inner hearing of our inner guide)
Chord: C Sharp
Hebrew Letter-Word: Vau (nail)
Colour: Red-Orange
Element: Earth
Mundane Manifestation: 2 of Wands

The Hierophant is a guardian, like The High Priestess, though their domain is within the realm of doctrine and tradition handed down. Similar to The High Priestess, The Hierophant sits between two pillars, representative of the importance of not falling to extremes. The Hierophant also symbolizes another form of knowing referred to as inner hearing, which combines reason (The Emperor) and intuition/memory (The High Priestess). In this sense, The Hierophant represents an aspect of our own inner guide who requires that we quiet the noise and listen carefully. In the presence of this teacher, all obscurity falls away and what was hidden becomes known.

Read More: Cards in Combination: Hierophant, High Priestess, 2 of Cups

Cards in Combination: 7 of Swords, 5 of Cups, Hierophant

78 Connections (combines Hierophant w/ High Priestess)

Challenging The Hierophant: Gatekeeper or Guardian?

Hierophant Meditation Musick


6 - Lovers

Attraction, Harmony,
Intimacy, Love, Vulnerability, Transparency, Discernment.

Tao Te Ching: Verse 28
Sepher Yetzirah: Smell (i.e. the intuitive ability to “sniff out”)
Natural Principle: Gender (Gender Is In Everything; Gender Manifests On All Planes)
Chord: D Natural
Hebrew Letter-Word: Zain (sword)
Colour: Orange
Element: Air
Mundane Manifestation: 2 of Cups

The Lovers is a blending of the elements to create a sweet-smelling elixir. What we see represented here is subconsciousness (female), consciousness (male), and super consciousness (Archangel Raphael). Alchemically this also symbolizes the Sun (sulfur1), the Moon (salt) and Mercury. In this sense, it is important to understand ourselves as a vital part of the overall mixture and know that everything we do in some way, shape, or form contributes to the whole. It is these parts of ourselves (subconscious/conscious) working together which creates true harmony in our relationship to ourselves and others. When we bare ourselves, true intimacy is attained. When we are allowed to be transparent and vulnerable, the right path unfolds.

Read More: Lovers Meditation Musick


7 - Chariot

Victory, Success, Travel, Command, Focus, Drive, Momentum, Motivation.

Tao Te Ching: Verse 1
Sepher Yetzirah: Speech (the power of the word)
Chord: D Sharp
Hebrew Letter-Word: Cheth (fence)
Colour: Orange-Yellow
Element: Water
Mundane Manifestation: 6 of Wands

The Chariot is the vehicle or mode with which we interface with the world around us. In this sense, we can look at this key as being related to witness consciousness. We are not our body as the Charioteer is not The Chariot as the crab (a symbol for Cancer) is not its shell. These exteriors, though, help us navigate the external plane and provide sense-experience as well as protection. This is much in the way that a driver is not their car, but in order to steer it, it does become an extension of it. The Chariot rides toward victory, demonstrating command over their vehicle. They work in concert with the divine and understand the true fuel which powers their quest as belonging to the source of all. In this way, their energy need not waver and momentum may be sustained.

Read More: Chariot Meditation Musick


8 - Strength

Power, Strength, Influence, Fusion, Kundalini, Suggestion.

Tao Te Ching: Verse 30
Sepher Yetzirah: Taste (Related to appetite or the process of digestion - physically or psychically)
Chord: E Natural
Hebrew Letter-Word: Tet (Serpent)
Colour: Yellow
Element: Fire
Mundane Manifestation: 7 of Wands

Consider the way in which Strength seemingly tames the lion. There is a fusion between two natures (animal and man) taking place here that on their own, would be only half as powerful. Aggression or control is not required for this task though. Understanding our own subconscious impulses, and gaining influence over the aspects of ourselves that get in our way, is what is symbolized by the taming of this beast. This act is less a physical one, as it is an emotional or mental one. Doing this will allow one to harness the influx of power available, turning obstacles into opportunity and enemy into ally.

Read More: Strength Meditation Musick

Shining A Spotlight On Strength


9 - Hermit

Illumination, Enlightenment, Awareness, Isolation, Meditation.

Tao Te Ching: Verse 37
Sepher Yetzirah: Touch (Making contact with the divine)
Chord: F Natural
Hebrew Letter-Word: Yod (hand)
Colour: Yellow-Green
Element: Earth
Mundane Manifestation: 8 of Cups

The Hermit represents a summit of awareness or enlightenment which has been achieved by recognizing the light within. The Hermit is guided forward by their lantern of inner knowing, walking alone, and having integrated all matters of polarity and separateness. The Hermit symbolizes a deeper understanding of the nature of reality which can most be achieved through self-inquiry and meditation. The Hermit reminds us to trust all manner of inner sense and the path it illuminates for us.

Read More: Hermit Meditation Musick


10 - Wheel

Rotation, Cycles, Fate, Fortune, Destiny, Patterns, Karma.

Tao Te Ching: Verse 29
Natural Principle: Rhythm (All Things Rise and Fall; Rhythm Compensates)
Chord: A Sharp
Hebrew Letter-Word: Caph (palm)
Colour: Violet
Element: Fire
Mundane Manifestation: 2 of Pentacles

Some regard The Wheel as a symbol of fate and others of fortune; chance vs. destiny. The Wheel is, in fact, one and the same, though easily disguised depending on one’s perspective. The Wheel also represents the cyclical or rotating nature of the universe, which we can see in systems all around us). Think: Moon phases, seasons, ocean tides, in and out-breath. Faith in this law will enable one to not just understand the unfolding of events, but gain some degree of influence (or prediction) over them, thus achieving what this key also represents - “good luck”. With this outlook, no events are random and all things make sense. The Wheel is also a reminder that nothing remains in one state forever - what goes up, must come down and vice versa.

Read More: Wheel of Fortune Meditation Musick


11 - Justice

Equilibrium, Balance, Equity, Law, Legalities, Harmony, Justice,
Action, Cause and Effect.

Tao Te Ching: Verse 8
Sepher Yetzirah: Work
Natural Principle: Cause and Effect
Chord: F Sharp
Hebrew Letter-Word: Lamed (ox goad)
Colour: Green
Element: Air
Mundane Manifestation: 6 of Pentacles

Justice represents matters relating to balance, equilibrium, and equity. While The Wheel of Fortune speaks to karma through patterns and cycles, Justice represents consequence as it relates to the law of cause and effect. In other words, every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Bear in mind though, Justice has no moral obligation nor seeks to punish or shame. Justice works through its own accord, demonstrating its ability to discriminate and bring fairness to all matters. Justice needs no overseeing party or institution because it responds organically and swiftly across all planes. While we attempt to mimic its duty in Earthly ways, Justice is a principle that defines organization on this level. Even if we cannot see the results of this law, or understand how it operates, it says to us that in all manners and in all ways, justice will be served.

Read more: The High Priestess & Justice: 2 Sides of the same Coin

Justice Meditation Musick


12 - Hanged Man

Keywords/Attributions: Reversal, Suspension,
Pause, Surrender, Perspective.

Tao Te Ching: Verse 22
Natural Principle: Law of Reversal & Principal of Polarity
Chord: G Sharp
Hebrew Letter-Word: Mem (water)
Colour: Blue
Element: Water
Mundane Manifestation: 4 of Swords

The Hanged Man speaks to two main themes, one being that of reversal, the other surrender. Reversal, very simply may be regarded as a change in perspective that enables one to see their situation in another, more helpful way. Esoterically, reversal is also regarded as a law where one would opt to orient themselves contrary to what is popular or considered “everyday”. Of course, this isn’t absolutely literal, but with some introspection, one may be able to decipher how this actually applies. The Hanged Man hangs by their foot, so while this may appear uncomfortable (or not based on your perspective), it is certainly not life threatening. Instead, this posture is one of ease and surrender; where one accepts themselves as an instrument of the divine and aims to work in accordance with its laws and will.

Hanged Man Meditation Musick


13 - Death

Keywords Transformation, Change, Disintegration, Release, Liberation, Freedom.

Tao Te Ching: Verse 35
Sepher Yetzirah: Movement
Chord: G Natural
Hebrew Letter-Word: Nun (fish)
Colour: Blue-Green
Element: Water
Mundane Manifestation: 10 of Swords

The sun rises in Death indicating a focus on the horizon; the possibilities beyond limitation as we embrace freedom and transformation. Consider the ways in which we experience even daily deaths - our cells, mentalities, ways of being or perceiving the world etc. Fear of death, and the unknown is so ingrained, however by integrating the lessons of the previous key (see Hanged Man), one can begin to make peace with and surrender to this force. There is only suffering when we cling to that which has run its course. Life and death are one and the same, and the only thing that disempowers us to see the gifts that endings afford is our own fear. Even when it feels like things have shifted for “the worse”, Death is a reminder that evolution can be found in the most unlikely places.

Death Meditation Musick


14 - Temperance

Balance, Equilibrium, Temperance, Moderation, Practice, Trial, Initiation, Vibration, Alchemy.

Tao Te Ching: Verse 77
Sepher Yetzirah: Wrath
Natural Principle: Vibration (Nothing Rests; Everything Moves)
Chord: G Sharp
Colour: Blue
Hebrew Letter-Word: Samekh (prop)
Element: Fire
Mundane Manifestation: Ace of Swords

Like an archer (symbol for Sagittarius) aims at their target (the middle of the board) so too does Temperance speak to the mastery required to find that elusive middle ground. This is a space where equilibrium can be achieved by removing one self from extremes and coming to centre. Temperance achieves this by blending fire and water in an alchemical operation designed to purify and prepare one for the path ahead. They have one foot on land and another in the water, another indication of the need to strike balance.

Temperance Meditation Musick


15 - Devil

Bondage, Corruption, Limitation, Imprisonment, Materialism, Misunderstanding, Irritation, Obscurity, Falsity.

Tao Te Ching: Verse 2
Sepher Yetzirah: Mirth
Chord: A Natural
Hebrew Letter-Word: Ayin (eye)
Colour: Blue-Violet
Element: Earth
Mundane Manifestation: 8 of Swords

The Devil is a matter of perception, and while corruption may be one way to look at this key, it’s important to note that corruption may mean a misunderstanding. The Devil may keep us bound, but who is The Devil, and what allows this force to carry out their work? It can be said that through ignorance, misperception, and misunderstandings, we enable our own hostage. What appears to be a material stranglehold are in fact loose knots as demonstrated in the chain around our captive’s necks. Of course, while the chains may be easily removed, if one didn’t realize the chains were there, it would be considerably harder to take them off! Also note the visual similarities between The Devil and The Lovers for more insight. The Devil is about power; the power we assume is held over us and the power we can choose to take back. There is more than meets the eye here, and if one can see beyond the surface of things, those perceived imprisonments could be our path to freedom.

Read More: 78 Connections (combines Devil & 5 of Pentacles)

Challenging The Devil: Captor or Catalyst?

Capricorn Full Moon Musings: Oppression, Restriction & Responsibility

Devil Meditation Musick


16 - Tower

Awakening, Destruction, Cleansing, Upheaval, Shock, Miscommunication.

Tao Te Ching: Verse 36
Chord: C Natural
Hebrew Letter-Word: Peh (mouth)
Colour: Red
Element: Fire
Mundane Manifestation: 3 of Swords

Consider how a flash of lightning can, in a moment, illuminate something that was completely invisible beforehand. The power of this key lies in its ability to shock us by quickly altering our perception, bringing something to our attention, or otherwise deconstructing a once held vision. If we can see this sudden clarity through, The Tower will help topple false ideas, ignorance, fear and worn out patterns/systems. With newfound understanding, fresh ideas and structures can flourish. Overhauls like this are both cleansing and necessary, even if they initially feel dscary and disruptive. Where stagnation flourishes, nature will take its course. It is advisable to allow what needs to fall to do so and find value in the new outlook being provided.

Read more: Cards in Combination: Tower, 8 of Swords, 10 of Pentacles

Tower Meditation Musick


17 - Star

Revelation, Meditation, Knowledge, Quest, Hope, Insight, Spirituality.

Tao Te Ching: Verse 62
Sepher Yetzirah: Meditation
Chord: A Sharp
Hebrew Letter-Word: Tzaddi (fishhook)
Colour: Violet
Element: Air
Mundane Manifestation: Ace of Cups

The 7 Rays of The Star signify the 7 spiritual centers within each of us. The number 7 carries additional esoteric significance which can be observed across many spiritual systems. Like the light we see in other cards of the Major Arcana (The Hermit’s Lantern, the lightning strike in The Tower, The Moon and The Sun) The Star points to a similar life-power. This light, both within us and above, is that which simultaneously seeks us as we seek it. The Star may, in this way, represent a type of quest or desire to acquaint oneself with their inner being through spiritual practices. The Star also teaches us that we cannot force revelation, but must wait until it is ready to reveal itself. The activities of the Star are therefore that of faithful and intuitive inner exploration.


18 - Moon

Organization, Dreams, Subconsciousness, Instinct, Shadows,

Tao Te Ching: Verse 52
Sepher Yetzirah: Sleep
Chord: B Natural
Hebrew Letter-Word: Qoph (back of head)
Colour: Violet-Red
Element: Water
Mundane Manifestation: 7 of Cups

The Sun reflects onto The Moon which causes its illumination. Therefore, it is not a light source unto its own, but rather a reflection. This is another way of saying that consciousness and subconsciousness play off of each other and work together in the development of self. The Moon is an indication that darker patterns, fears or shadow aspects may be up for evaluation. There is also an emphasis on sleep and dreams and the work our bodies/spirits do during these states. Attention to what comes up while at rest may be advised. The Moon is an opportunity to bring to light the challenging and hidden aspects of ourselves so that they may be observed, integrated and transmuted.


19 - Sun

Regeneration, Authenticity, Liberation, Joy, Vitality, Rebirth.

Tao Te Ching: Verse 23
Chord: D Natural
Hebrew Letter-Word: Resh (head)
Colour: Orange
Element: Fire
Mundane Manifestation: 6 of Cups

The Sun features a young child, which is symbolic of youth, vitality, authenticity, and one’s pure nature. While the child may represent actual adolescence, another way to look at it would be a return to this state, having gone through the trials of other stages of life first. In this way, it is the child who grew up, learned their lessons, and returned to innocence. We could even liken this experience to a rebirth, or second-birth. The imagery here also suggests the child is comfortable in their own skin, free of shame or guilt. Arms outstretched, they are joyful and full of life. The Sun, like its depiction across the tarot, represents solar life force, light, and vitality, which can be used to fuel our journey forward.


20 - Judgement

Realization, Rebirth, Calling, Renewal, Evaluation.

Tao Te Ching: Verse 39
Chord: C Natural
Hebrew Letter-Word: Shin (fire)
Colour: Red
Element: Water
Mundane Manifestation: 9 of Swords

Judgment is the call of all calls. In this key, we see a man, woman and child reaching up to the angel’s trumpet above. Judgment is about elevating ourselves to greater awareness and consciousness. It is as much an inner call as it is an outer one. In this way, it may even be indistinguishable as to whether it is the seeker reaching out, or being called in. Either way, the message has been received and there is an eagerness to pursue the vibration being omitted. Spiritually speaking, Judgment indicates a blending of opposites so that good and evil are overcome. For this reason, Judgment may also be seen as a key about total cleansing along with acceptance and forgiveness - especially toward oneself.

Read More: Challenging Judgement: Reckoning or Call To Rise?


21 - World

Cosmic-consciousness, Completion, Connection, Success, Perfection, Celebration.

Tao Te Ching: Verse 25
Chord: A Natural
Hebrew Letter-Word: Tau (cross)
Colour: Blue-Violet
Element: Earth
Mundane Manifestation: 10 of Pentacles

The World may, in a sense, signify the completion or perfection of something. While this may be true, especially in a divinatory sense, The World abides by other cosmic principles which imply the “work” is never complete. Our universe functions by way of patterns, laws, and cycles. And when one cycle comes to a close - another is right there waiting to begin. So we can celebrate what has been achieved, and then get excited for what else is to come. Similar to energy, nothing ever truly goes away - it is simply transformed with the opportunity to find itself again.