Within the shadow, we can find some common archetypes that you may relate with. As you’re reading through this list, consider if/how any of these archetypes show up for you.

The Destroyer

Shadow Manifestations: Destructive, unpredictable, chaotic, reckless, risk-taking, conflict-prone

Once Integrated: Can be a great force for change, challenges the status quo, revolutionary, knows when it’s time to move on

Tarot Cards To Contemplate: The Tower, Death, Knight of Swords, 10 of Swords, 5 of Wands

The Orphan

Shadow Manifestations: Helpless, victimized, fearful of rejection and abandonment, sees the world as inherently unsafe, conflict-avoidant

Once Integrated: Becomes a home for self and others, nurturing, accepting, can give and receive love freely

Tarot Cards To Contemplate: The Sun, 5 of Pentacles, 5 of Cups, 6 of Cups, 3 of Swords

The Dictator

Shadow Manifestations: Aggressive, controlling, overbearing, power-hungry, totalitarian, holds themselves superior

Once Integrated: Is a well-liked and effective leader, champions those around them, creates a safe and stable environment for self and others, is responsible

Tarot Cards To Contemplate: The Emperor, King of Wands, 6 of Wands

The Trickster

Shadow Aspects: Childish, manipulative, deceitful, seeks to confuse, has a loose grip on reality

Once Integrated: Uses humour to uplift, applies cleverness to creatively problem solve, lightens the mood in appropriate ways, is a talented story-teller

Tarot Cards To Contemplate: The Fool, The Magician, The Devil, 7 of Cups

The Judge

Shadow Aspects: Critical, severe, punishing, intolerant, shames and blames, cutting, gossipy

Once Integrated: Uses discernment to see through people and situations, can be a strong advocate, diplomatic, a skillful communicator

Tarot Cards To Contemplate: Justice, Queen of Swords, Ace of Swords, 6 of Pentacles

❂ Reflection: Which of these archtypes do I resonate with and why? 

❂ Reflection: Select one archetype that resonates the most and contemplate the tarot cards in relationship to it.