Tim often makes the comparison of self-improvement to body building. As we exercise or lift weights, we are breaking down muscles and as such, we need the proper nutrients to not only build us back up, but to transform ourselves (literally and figuratively). As you’re embarking on this journey, and engaging in this work, it is important to keep supports, resources and aids close at hand to repair and replenish yourself. This could be anything from a helpful book, a feel-good playlist, friends and family, stuffed animals, a solid self-care routine, regular meditation, whole foods, other hobbies and interests etc.

Boundaries are another form of support, important for shadow work and beyond. When the shadow is at play, our boundaries can either become too hard or too soft. We are also more apt to invade or provoke the boundaries of others, when we’re not aware. Developing strong supports doesn’t just mean the things and people we rely upon, it also means the inner systems and thought processes we have in place. Keep in mind too, we are just as prone to invade our own boundaries as we are to allow them to be invaded. Be on the look out for all forms of boundary bending as you explore the realm of shadow.

❂ Prompt - Draw A Card: How can I nourish and support myself in this work?

❂ Prompt - Draw A Card: How can I enforce healthy boundaries for myself through this process and otherwise?