Tarot is a beautiful tool that is a well suited companion on a shadow work journey. There are many reasons we believe this to be the case, some of which include…

  • Tarot is more than just a system of divination, it is a tool for growth and has many subjects related to shadow work coded within it i.e. psychology, mythology, alchemy.

  • As such, it can help you to learn about these principles in an impersonal or collective sense, while also in deeply personal ways through readings, reflection and meditation.

  • Symbolically, there are many elements contained within the system of tarot that allude to the presence of shadow i.e. images of the moon, water, darkness/night scenes, animals (representative of our “lower” instincts).

  • Specifically, there are cards in tarot that out-right speak to the realm of shadow. Take The Moon, The Devil, the 7 of Cups, the 5 of Swords, or the 7 of Swords for example.

  • Just as there is light and dark in all things, there are light and dark aspects to each card. This is because our world is full of polarities. For example, The Emperor could symbolize a skilled and benevolent leader, or it could point to someone who is tyrannical and overbearing.

  • Tarot is an aid, and it can help us tap into parts of ourselves and shed light on things we would ordinarily struggle to confront.

❂ Action: Draw a card randomly and note all the shadowy aspects of it. Some cards have more obvious aspects than others - look deeply, not just at the card's meaning, but also the subtle symbols, the colours or any feeling it evokes.