In tarot, there will always be some cards we’re more drawn to than others. Today, it’s all about isolating those ones that challenge or even repel us, in an effort to learn more about them and ourselves. We think working with tarot like this can be a safe and neutral way to begin to approach our resistances. Of course, this exercise or idea can be extended to other areas of life i.e. paying attention to what naturally challenges us through the day or in our environment.

It’s important to note though that our resistances aren’t always something to be overcome. In some cases, our resistances are in place to keep us safe. The act of uncovering resistances is intended to make us more self-aware, not to encourage us to do things that are not right for us. There are lots of shitty things in this world worthy of our resistance. For us, it’s about figuring out what they are, why they are there, and what we can do with them. Bonus points if we’re then able to take all of that and go within to see where the things that we resist live within us as well.

❂ Action: Go through your tarot deck and set aside any card that repulses, repels, challenges or otherwise stirs a negative emotion within you. P.S. You will want to remember these cards because we’ll be coming back to them in a couple lessons!

❂ Reflection: What do the cards I selected have in common?

❂ Draw A Card Prompt: What can this group of cards teach me about my resistances?