Fire and water are the alchemical components represented in the 6 pointed star (the opposing triangles). They are important elements in creating that powerful mixture that we are all striving to perfectly blend, as demonstrated by Temperance in tarot.

To understand these elements and how they show up within us, we can look at them along the spectrum of feeling. Some emotions are more fiery by nature, while some are cooler and more fluid. Fiery emotions may include anger, rage, aggression, passion, lust and excitement. Watery emotions may include sadness, shame, guilt, melancholy, joy, love and compassion.

Some of us may be more comfortable with certain emotions than others. For example, one may be comfortable expressing anger, but have a difficult time accepting lust. It is also important to bare in mind that emotion (no matter what one we’re talking about) has the capacity to be both constructive and destructive. This is why the blending and balancing is important. Too much fire and things can spiral out of control. Too much water and we can drown. But a bit of fire can create the energy required to make great change. And a bit of water can heal, replenish and restore.

No emotion is inherently good or bad. Many of us feel anger when someone has hurt us, and that is natural and fine. But, what we do with that feeling is another story. As we explore the shadow, we must become aware of not just of how we feel, but what influences those feelings have over us, our behaviour, our relationships and our lives.

We must also consider that the emotions we struggle with, may come from experiences we’ve had in the past, even as children growing up. If we saw adults in our lives destructively wielding their anger, this could cause us to form a complicated relationship with that particular emotion. On the other hand, if we did not experience any expressions of anger growing up, we may be equally as challenged by it, just in different ways.

❂ Reflection: Am I more comfortable with my watery or fiery emotional manifestations?

❂ Draw A Card Prompt: How can I improve my relationship with emotions that challenge me?