Congratulations - you’ve reached the end of this program! Take a deep breath and a bit of time to acknowledge everything you’ve uncovered and all the ways you’ve inevitably grown. We hope it’s been interesting, eye opening and perspective shifting. We also realize that even though it’s the end of this particular exercise, the journey continues. We probably should have also said something to you at the beginning, which is this - some people can’t see their shadows. Not because they aren’t there, but because they aren’t ready. If you have been able to make contact with your more shadowy parts, don’t be disappointed that they exist. Instead, be thrilled they trusted you enough to reveal themselves. This is a sign of maturity, healing and willingness to transform and grow!

As you move forward, what you can watch out for is the way in which your relationships evolve, the way your thought patterns change or even what your dreams are telling you. All of these aspects can show and teach us so much about where we are on our journey and what we need to be aware of.

Ultimately, we believe the real magick of shadow work comes down to the way in which it transforms not just ourselves, but the way we show up in our lives. We are so grateful to those who came here, participated and got something from this exploration. We believe that if we can all remain committed to this work, it will lead to a more responsible, safe, integrity-driven and honest world. In fact, the very act of shadow work naturally leads us to service work because as we seek to understand ourselves, we can’t help but also extend that understanding to everyone and everything around us - “as above, so below; as within, so without”.

❂ Reflection: What has been the most surprising aspect of this journey?

❂ Draw A Card Prompt: What do I need to know about taking this work forward?