Now that we’ve laid the foundation, we’ll be going deeper into the more personal aspects of this journey. For this reason, we think this might be a good point to consider crafting a pledge to yourself. We suggest doing this as it provides a moment of pause to clarify your intentions and boundaries. Your pledge can look any way that makes sense and feels good for you. As a guideline, here is something we crafted a couple of years ago for ourselves.

  • I will be mindful of what I share publicly as it relates to my shadow work journey.

  • I will not use this process as an occasion to punish myself, repent or deny my inherent goodness. Nor will I use this process as an occasion to cast blame. I have unintentionally been on the receiving end of other’s shadows as they have been on mine.

  • I will not attempt to rid myself of my shadow. I am here to understand it and integrate it with the rest of my being, not abolish it. 

  • I will not push myself and I will pause if it gets too hard. Needing time and space is not a sign of failure. Our shadows will only reveal themselves as we are ready to see them, and I will have faith in that process, not force it.

  • I will not take my own shadow work and project that onto others. Not everyone is ready, willing, or able to confront the shadow. Healing is a unique journey and I will go at my own pace, in my own way.

❂ Action: Craft a shadow work pledge to yourself.